Papacy? Nothing special…
Interview No. 5

Francis: “The Pope is a Normal Person”
The morning of Ash Wednesday 2014, the Italian Corriere della Sera published the latest interview with “Pope” Francis (it is the fifth interview in total for Bergoglio), conducted by the paper’s editor-in-chief, Ferruccio de Bortoli:
“Pope” Francis Interview with Corriere della Sera
March 5, 2014
(Full Transcript – English)
The Italian original of the interview is available from Corriere della Sera at this link (click).
Here are some links to news coverage and summaries of the salient points of the interview:
- Francis: The Pope is a “Normal Person”, not Superman (Vatican Insider)
- Francis: No Need to Change Church Teaching on Contraception (Catholic Herald)
- Francis says he too may Retire like Benedict (Telegraph)
- Francis Interview No. 5 Highlights
- Vatican Radio News Snippet
- News Snippet on Interview
- Commentary: Tom Droleskey takes apart Francis’ Fifth Interview
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