Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
December 6, 2013
- “Pope” Francis lauds Nelson Mandela’s promotion of “human dignity” and “non-violence”, IGNORES his Unlimited Abortion Law which was “one of the most liberal abortion laws in the world” — There is a reason why the National Abortion Rights Action League sent “Pope” Francis a big Thank-You Note back in September
- Franics the “Merciful”: It’s still “Total War” against the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate — And this from the man who “humbly entreats” Muslims to “grant Christians freedom to worship and to practice their faith” (Evangelii Gaudium no. 253) and says “Faith should not generate intolerance”. Bergoglio simply hates all things Catholic.
- Did you know? Francis used to work as a Bouncer in Buenos Aires — This must have come in handy when dealing with the Franciscans of the Immaculate…
- Did Vatican II Teach Heresy? Bp. Sanborn vs. Dr. Fastiggi Debate on New Ecclesiology of Vatican II – don’t miss it! The full video will be released Dec. 31, the perfect day for fireworks!
- No Heresy here: Francis says he and Orthodox Patriarch belong to same “family”, claims non-Catholic churches have mission for a “common witness” with Catholics and likewise have a duty to proclaim “the message of salvation” — And this is the man Michael Voris portrays as a super-orthodox Catholic pit bull fighting liberalism. How can Voris sleep at night? (Francis’ full message to Patriarch Bartholomew can be found here)
- Did you know? SSPX Bishop Tissier de Mallerais agrees that the 1968 Novus Ordo Rite of Episcopal Consecration is practically INVALID — In case you missed all the reasons WHY it’s invalid, go here…
- The Remnant announces that Christopher Ferrara is writing a study of Francis’ Evangelii Gaudium, entitled Quo Vadis, Franciscus? We suggest they review their Latin grammar before publication: It’s Francisce, not Franciscus. Vocative case, not nominative. Just saying. Francis won’t be impressed if he receives a critique of his “Apostolic Exhortation” and the author can’t even get the title right.
- Francis vs. Christ: Pretender-Pope accuses the Lord Jesus of Pretending
- They can have him (they already do, anyway): “Pope” Francis giving other Religions “Pope Envy”
- Reviewing Evangelii Gaudium, Louie Verrecchio begs for the Return of the Anti-Modernist Vigilance Committees (established by Pope St. Pius X, discontinued by Pope Benedict XV — notice which of the two is the canonized saint)
- SSPX Press Release on Francis’ Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium
- Can’t make this Stuff Up: Francis’ Theological Hanukkah Gift to the Jews — What does it tell you when even non-Catholics can figure out that what the Vatican teaches is no longer what was taught for centuries before? HELLO?!
- Former “Priest” with the
MillionairesLegionaries of Christ getting married to “Papal” Advisor’s Daughter - Speaking of the Legionaries: The (so-called) Legion of Christ fights against its Past, prepares for the Future
- “New Springtime” Update: And then there were Nun: Another Convent Closes
And here’s why the New Church is dying…
Flash Mob with Novus Ordo Nuns and Friars
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