Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
June 8, 2013
- Vatican Radio Applauds Sexually-Explicit Lesbian Film – CAUTION! Disturbing content
- “Conservative” Rising Star “Fr.” Robert Barron defends Modernist Pervert Fr. Andrew Greeley – Yes, that’s the Fr. Andrew Greely who wrote explicit sex novels such as The Cardinal Sins
- Analyze This: “Pope” Francis explains he doesn’t live in papal apartments “for psychiatric reasons”
- That “Catholic in Good Standing” strikes: NY Governor Cuomo introduces Bill expanding Law to allow for more Late-Term Abortions (still considered a “Catholic in good standing” by “Cardinal” Dolan)
- San Bernardino Diocese allowed Parish to be used as set for Gay Movie, won’t say how much money it received for it – Hey, gotta pay for those sex abuse court judgments somehow…
- Modernist Belgian “Cardinal” Not Opposed to Gay “Marriage”
- Australian Novus Ordo Diocese Reveals Names of 29 out of 59 Priests guilty of Child Sex Abuse
- Two non-Catholic laymen together: Anglican “Archbishop” of Canterbury to meet and pray with “Pope” Francis
- Interview with Bp. Bernard Fellay, SSPX, on the 25th Anniversary of the June 30, 1988, Episcopal Consecrations by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
- Video: Novus Ordo Priests who don’t know the Ten Commandments (mostly Italian, some English) – Uh… In the Catholic Church, no child can make his First Holy Communion without knowing these…
- Put on your Surprise Face, please: Novus Ordo Leaders Urge Support for Boy Scouts after allowing Homosexual Members
- “Voris, We Have a Problem”: In June 7 Vortex broadcast, Michael Voris lashes out at “Cardinal” DiNardo about Houston cathedral scandal, but conveniently ‘forgets’ to mention that what DiNardo did is universal Novus Ordo law, explicitly permitted by John Paul II in 1993. (See also Tom Droleskey’s coverage of and commentary on the scandal.)
Video: Aztec Dance in “honor” of Our Lady of Guadalupe
at St. Vibiana cathedral chapel in Los Angeles, California
“The Lord hath cast off his altar, he hath cursed his sanctuary: he hath delivered the walls of the towers thereof into the hand of the enemy: they have made a noise in the house of the Lord, as in the day of a solemn feast.” (Lamentations 2:7)
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