Seeking peace in all the wrong ways…
Tear down this Wall! —
August “Pope Video” seeks Peace through Sports

Actual screenshot from August 2016 “Pope Video”
It’s time again for the monthly Bergoglian prayer intention video that the Novus Ordo Sect markets as “The Pope Video”.
After July’s intention for the rights of indigenous peoples (except the indigenous of Europe, of course), the August 2016 intention is: “That sports may be an opportunity for friendly encounters between peoples and may contribute to peace in the world” (source).
The video, which is only 1:29 in length, can be viewed here:
Perhaps Francis hasn’t noticed yet, but because of fallen human nature, unassisted by divine grace, being what it is, sports in particular can lead to great conflict, contention, disagreement, and even mortal violence. Just saying.
The bigger point to be made is this: Here we once again see Francis the Naturalist proposing all the wrong ways to obtain peace, ways that have never worked in thousands of years and never will because they cannot. They cannot work because these “solutions” refuse to recognize the truth of the human condition, which is tainted by original sin and its effects. That’s why only Christ Jesus can give true peace: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, do I give unto you” (Jn 14:27; underlining added).
Francis — and with him, his 5 predecessors and the entire Modernist Vatican II Sect — cannot be successful in his quest for world peace precisely because he seeks the peace that “the world giveth”. But if you’re going to claim to be the Vicar of Jesus Christ, perhaps it might be a good idea to actually heed the Words of the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, and not merely as an optional suggestion from a nice chap, but as the Divine Words from the Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnibenevolent God that they really are. But no, Francis knows better than God, of course. You see, our Lord didn’t think of the “culture of encounter” that builds bridges, breaks down walls, and unites everyone in a big group hug when He instructed His disciples after the Last Supper. Francis has come to fix that!

Culture of Encounter:
Zidane head-butts Materazzi in Soccer World Cup Final 2006
Whoever thinks that holding hands, carrying candles, and singing We Shall Overcome is going to bring about peace, has learned nothing from history and has certainly not understood the human condition. But while one may forgive a secular American boy scout or a Siberian Eskimo for taking this view and not knowing any better, a man who claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church has absolutely no excuse.
How, then, do we attain the peace of Christ? What is the true path to peace according to traditional Catholic doctrine? It’s not like this question never came up before Vatican II, you know.
In 1922, in between World War I and World War II, Pope Pius XI wrote a long encyclical “on the Peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ”, in which he laid out the solution:
The only remedy for such state of affairs is the peace of Christ since the peace of Christ is the peace of God, which could not exist if it did not enjoin respect for law, order, and the rights of authority. In the Holy Scriptures We read: “My children, keep discipline in peace.” (Ecclesiasticus xli, 17) “Much peace have they that love the law, O Lord.” (Psalms cxviii, 165) “He that feareth the commandment, shall dwell in peace.” (Proverbs xiii, 13) Jesus Christ very expressly states: “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.” (Matt. xxii, 21) He even recognized that Pilate possessed authority from on High (John xiv, 11) as he acknowledged that the scribes and Pharisees who though unworthy sat in the chair of Moses (Matt. xxiii, 2) were not without a like authority. In Joseph and Mary, Jesus respected the natural authority of parents and was subject to them for the greater part of His life. (Luke ii, 51) He also taught, by the voice of His Apostle, the same important doctrine: “Let every soul be subject to higher powers: for there is no power but from God.” (Romans xiii, 1; cf. also 1 Peter ii, 13, 18)
Finally, the Church is able to set both public and private life on the road to righteousness by demanding that everything and all men become obedient to God “Who beholdeth the heart,” to His commands, to His laws, to His sanctions. If the teachings of the Church could only penetrate in some such manner as We have described the inner recesses of the consciences of mankind, be they rulers or be they subjects, all eventually would be so apprised of their personal and civic duties and their mutual responsibilities that in a short time “Christ would be all, and in all.” (Colossians iii, 11)
Since the Church is the safe and sure guide to conscience, for to her safe-keeping alone there has been confided the doctrines and the promise of the assistance of Christ, she is able not only to bring about at the present hour a peace that is truly the peace of Christ, but can, better than any other agency which We know of, contribute greatly to the securing of the same peace for the future, to the making impossible of war in the future. For the Church teaches (she alone has been given by God the mandate and the right to teach with authority) that not only our acts as individuals but also as groups and as nations must conform to the eternal law of God. In fact, it is much more important that the acts of a nation follow God’s law, since on the nation rests a much greater responsibility for the consequences of its acts than on the individual.
When, therefore, governments and nations follow in all their activities, whether they be national or international, the dictates of conscience grounded in the teachings, precepts, and example of Jesus Christ, and which are binding on each and every individual, then only can we have faith in one another’s word and trust in the peaceful solution of the difficulties and controversies which may grow out of differences in point of view or from clash of interests. An attempt in this direction has already and is now being made; its results, however, are almost negligible and, especially so, as far as they can be said to affect those major questions which divide seriously and serve to arouse nations one against the other. No merely human institution of today can be as successful in devising a set of international laws which will be in harmony with world conditions as the Middle Ages were in the possession of that true League of Nations, Christianity. It cannot be denied that in the Middle Ages this law was often violated; still it always existed as an ideal, according to which one might judge the acts of nations, and a beacon light calling those who had lost their way back to the safe road.
There exists an institution able to safeguard the sanctity of the law of nations. This institution is a part of every nation; at the same time it is above all nations. She enjoys, too, the highest authority, the fullness of the teaching power of the Apostles. Such an institution is the Church of Christ. She alone is adapted to do this great work, for she is not only divinely commissioned to lead mankind, but moreover, because of her very make-up and the constitution which she possesses, by reason of her age-old traditions and her great prestige, which has not been lessened but has been greatly increased since the close of the War, cannot but succeed in such a venture where others assuredly will fail.
It is apparent from these considerations that true peace, the peace of Christ, is impossible unless we are willing and ready to accept the fundamental principles of Christianity, unless we are willing to observe the teachings and obey the law of Christ, both in public and private life. If this were done, then society being placed at last on a sound foundation, the Church would be able, in the exercise of its divinely given ministry and by means of the teaching authority which results therefrom, to protect all the rights of God over men and nations.
It is possible to sum up all We have said in one word, “the Kingdom of Christ.” For Jesus Christ reigns over the minds of individuals by His teachings, in their hearts by His love, in each one’s life by the living according to His law and the imitating of His example. Jesus reigns over the family when it, modeled after the holy ideals of the sacrament of matrimony instituted by Christ, maintains unspotted its true character of sanctuary. In such a sanctuary of love, parental authority is fashioned after the authority of God, the Father, from Whom, as a matter of fact, it originates and after which even it is named. (Ephesians iii, 15) The obedience of the children imitates that of the Divine Child of Nazareth, and the whole family life is inspired by the sacred ideals of the Holy Family. Finally, Jesus Christ reigns over society when men recognize and reverence the sovereignty of Christ, when they accept the divine origin and control over all social forces, a recognition which is the basis of the right to command for those in authority and of the duty to obey for those who are subjects, a duty which cannot but ennoble all who live up to its demands. Christ reigns where the position in society which He Himself has assigned to His Church is recognized, for He bestowed on the Church the status and the constitution of a society which, by reason of the perfect ends which it is called upon to attain, must be held to be supreme in its own sphere; He also made her the depository and interpreter of His divine teachings, and, by consequence, the teacher and guide of every other society whatsoever, not of course in the sense that she should abstract in the least from their authority, each in its own sphere supreme, but that she should really perfect their authority, just as divine grace perfects human nature, and should give to them the assistance necessary for men to attain their true final end, eternal happiness, and by that very fact make them the more deserving and certain promoters of their happiness here below.
It is, therefore, a fact which cannot be questioned that the true peace of Christ can only exist in the Kingdom of Christ — “the peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ.” It is no less unquestionable that, in doing all we can to bring about the re-establishment of Christ’s kingdom, we will be working most effectively toward a lasting world peace….
(Pope Pius XI, Encyclical Ubi Arcano, nn. 40,43-49; underlining added.)
The encyclical Ubi Arcano is so beautiful and so full of Catholic truth and wisdom that we highly encourage our readers to read it in its entirety (see link above), for there is simply not enough room in this post to quote all the pertinent passages.
Three years later Pius XI wrote a follow-up encyclical instituting the Feast of Christ the King, entitled Quas Primas, in which he elaborated on the topic. Another important papal encyclical on true peace was issued by Pope Benedict XV, entitled Pacem Dei Munus (1920).

The only wall he does NOT want to break down:
The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, falsely claimed to be the Western Wall of the Second Temple (cf. Mk 13:2)
No doubt there are a number of non-Catholics reading this post right now who are entirely on Francis’ side and think that the traditional Catholic teaching expounded by Pope Pius XI is to be rejected and that of Francis embraced. But at the very least they can see that the teaching of Pius XI is different from and contradicts that of Francis and the other Vatican II “popes”. And to demonstrate this opposition between pre- and post-Vatican II teaching is precisely the primary object of this web site. The Vatican II Sect is a new religion that has abandoned Catholic doctrine and introduced a new gospel, and this is especially evident, among other things, in its social teachings.
In 2014, Francis had invited Muslims and Jews to “pray for peace” together at the Vatican. Which is exactly what they did — but their way, of course. Shortly after, all hell broke loose in the Middle East, and it hasn’t stopped since. God punishes these great affronts against His Most Holy Majesty. The interreligious soccer match with Plim-Plimand Tini Stoessel later in the year didn’t help things, either. Syncretism and indifferentism only further stoke God’s wrath, rather than bring peace, which, as we have seen, can only be found in Christ.
So, it is not surprising to see in this latest “Pope Video” that Francis again preaches not the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which alone truly creates a “new humanity”, but the Naturalist Gospel of Man, which is speechless in the face of suffering and can only hold hands and light candles before an ever more violent and barbaric world that is tottering on the brink of World War III.
If Francis isn’t the False Prophet (cf. Apoc 16:13; Mt 24:11,24), he’s definitely stealing his show.
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