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Muslim Imam at Vatican’s Prayer for Peace Event prayed for “Victory over the Infidels”!

UPDATE 15-JUN-2014 19:26 GMT: The official recording of the Interfaith “Prayer for Peace” event has now been published, and the part where the Muslim imam prays for “victory over the unbelievers” has been cut out. The Gates of Vienna blog has the details:

UPDATE 13-JUN-2014 02:34 GMT: The Gates of Vienna blog has weighed in on the matter with several interesting posts (make sure you read the comments!):

UPDATE 12-JUN-2014 10:19 GMT: Vatican Radio concedes, acknowledges Imam indeed recited controversial Koran Passage, praying for “Victory over the Unbelievers” — but says it doesn’t matter, “infidel” not meant to include Christians or Jews, have to understand how Muslims pray, etc. (Tell that to the slaughtered Christians in the Middle East!)

It is absolutely frightening to see to what extent the Islam expert interviewed by Vatican Radio, “Fr.” Felix Körner, SJ, defends the Muslims and their understanding of things, to assure everyone that what happened there in the Vatican Gardens really is no big deal, after the other Jesuit, “Fr.” Bernd Hagenkord, at first vehemently denied that the imam had even uttered these words. From the text posted by Vatican Radio, linked above (but only available in German — you can use a computerized translator, but those don’t work very well for German), it is clear that the Jesuit (and, one may surmize, Novus Ordos in general, as he teaches at the Gregorian Pontifical University in Rome) firmly believes that the Koran speaks about God, the True God, and the only difference to Catholicism is that Muslims have some flawed or distorted ideas about the True God — but that, for all intents and purposes, it is the same God for both sides and we can all learn from what the Koran says about God, as though the only differences to be worked out are whether we can say this about God rather than that.

This, of course, is the gateway to apostasy, where the final barriers that have still vaguely remained drawing a line between “true religion” and “false religion” are completely obliterated. In the end, all religious differences will be reduced to “differing perceptions of the same God, the same Truth, handed down by various but equally honorable faith traditions.” This is in direct contrast with the truly Catholic teaching of the true Church of the ages, enunciated by Pope Pius XI, who firmly denounced “that false opinion which considers all religions to be more or less good and praiseworthy, since they all in different ways manifest and signify that sense which is inborn in us all, and by which we are led to God and to the obedient acknowledgment of His rule” (Encyclical Mortalium Animos, n. 2).

The steamroller of the one-world religion has just been turbo-charged, aided and accelerated, as usual, by the Modernist Vatican. They now have Muslims praying for “victory over the infidels” right there in the confines of what is supposedly the Holy See, the Chair of Truth, the light of the world. This is how far we’ve come, but like clockwork, the professional defenders of the Novus Ordo Sect are busily at work to tell us once again how people’s concern is entirely unjustified and just the result of their own ignorance and prejudice.

Meanwhile, the first results from the interfaith prayer for peace are in: All Hell Breaks Loose in Middle East: Burning Churches, More Persecution by Islamists


Don’t you hate it when that happens? You’re hosting a big interfaith peace event with Jews, Muslims, and “Christians”, and then the Muslim imam ad libs the text he had previously submitted and adds a prayer for “victory over the infidels.” Bummer!

Is this what happened on Pentecost Sunday in the Vatican Gardens?

We’re not entirely sure. A controversy has erupted in Europe over this. According to Egyptian-German political scientist, historian, and author Hamed Abdel-Samad, who could be described as the Modernist version of a Muslim, the Islamic clergyman who offered the “prayers for peace” in the Vatican on Sunday (our coverage here) did not stick verbatim to the prepared text of the prayers as published beforehand, but instead ended with a quotation from the last verse of Sura 2 in the Koran, which reads, “You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people” (source). The “disbelieving people” can alternatively be rendered “unbelievers” or “infidels.” In any case, what is meant is victory over people who are not Muslim.

Practically no one in the Vatican understands Arabic, but, not unexpectedly, Vatican Radio has already denied Abdel-Samad’s claim. “Fr.” Bernd Hagenkord, SJ, editor at the German-speaking offices of Vatican Radio, says the claim that the Muslim cleric ended his prayer with a quote from the Koran or with a petition against infidels is “nonsense” (source here — in German but further down includes English translation of all prayers “verbatim as prayed”, allegedly).

At the same time, Abdel-Samad is defending his original claim on his Facebook page and adds that he is proficient in Arabic and quite familiar with this passage from the Koran. According to kath.net, German historian and author Michael Hesemann seconds Abdel-Samad’s contention and accuses the Muslims of “mischievously deceiving” the organizers of the interfaith prayer event.

A video excerpt in which the actual Muslim prayer can be verified is available here. The incident in question begins at the 11:12 mark. If anyone understands Arabic and can help clarify this issue, please contact us.

Meanwhile, the English-language service Al Arabyia News confirms Abdel-Samad’s claim as well, in a post entitled “Video: Imam recites Quran for the first time in the Vatican.

So, it’s not looking too good for Vatican Radio. “Chaos Frank” will once more have plenty of egg on his face as his “Love Triangle” has apparently been hijacked by that “religion of peace.”

But think about this for a minute. The Vatican holds a prayer event, and the only party mentioning unbelievers is the Muslims. While Catholics must strongly seek the conversion of unbelievers (i.e. non-Catholics) to the True Faith, sometimes circumstances are such that victory over them is quite necessary.

Our Lady of Victory and Pope St. Pius V, pray for us.

Image source: youtube.com (screenshot)
License: fair use

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One Response to “Did Muslims pray for “Victory over the Infidels” at Vatican?”

  1. Sonia

    ‘Did the Muslims pray for victory over infidels. .?’ If they didn’t they are not muslims. It was fitting that a Rabbi and an Imam congregated. An Orthodox Talmudic Rabbi states, ‘Islam is the broom of Israel…’ Talmudic Israel being the future supermen of the false messiah, and Islam, the mass quantity of falsehood and murderousness to do away with the vestiges of Christ.

    To bad for these deluded folks. Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat.

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