Sr. Cristina’s Profanation on Steroids…
Now it’s Hard Rock / Metal:
Suor Cristina rocks Bon Jovi’s Livin’ on a Prayer
Well, we told you so, didn’t we? But at first we were being denounced as having no sense, no compassion, no love, no true Christian spirit because of our severe criticism of this possibly possessed woman known as Suor Cristina of Sicily. When she first started dancing and singing various pop tunes, despite supposedly being a Catholic nun, you knew it wouldn’t stay there. After Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Flashdance… What a Feeling and Can’t Get You out of My Head, Cristina is now rocking Bon Jovi’s 1986 hit Livin’ on a Prayer. The video above shows the performance, and of course the audience is laughing itself silly at this spectacle of a nun doing everything she’s not supposed to be doing.
The Call Me Jorge blog has posted details on the song and the meaning behind it — explained by Jon Bon Jovi himself. Click here.

The Cover of Bon Jovi’s 1986 Single
(note: Sr. Cristina not pictured)
What is this if not clearly Satanic? Novus Ordo apologists at first tried to style this “evangelization”, but of course it is no such thing, and never was. We called it from the beginning as an abomination that ultimately only further harms Catholicism and the public’s perception of it. This, ladies and gentlemen, is why no one takes the Vatican II Sect seriously. It commands no respect and simply does not deserve to be taken seriously. It drags everything that is holy through the mud and tramples upon it. And then they cry crocodile tears about a “silent apostasy” and a “militant secularism” and what not. Duh! This is the reason why everyone else is walking all over all things Catholic: they first learned how to do it from the supposed “Catholic authorities” themselves.
Many people will be enchanted by her otherwise innocent and sweet appearance, but real Catholics are not fooled by this: “For such false apostles are deceitful workmen, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no wonder: for Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light” (2 Cor 11:13-14).
Good thing Suor Cristina is not one of those intolerable Franciscan Sister of the Immaculate, or she’d be in big trouble now…

A stillshot from the performance
Under Francis, the whole Novus Ordo religion is falling apart. When you think about it, though, that is a good thing. The sooner the Vatican II Church goes, the quicker the Catholic Church can return into full view from the eclipse:
By about twelve years shall the millennium have passed when the resplendent mantle of legitimate power shall emerge from the shadows where it was being kept by the schism. And beyond harm from the one who is blocking the door of salvation, for his deceitful schism shall have come to an end. And the mass of the faithful shall attach itself to the worthy Shepherd, who shall extricate each one from error and restore to the Church its beauty. He shall renew it.
(Prophecy of Bl. Tomasuccio da Foligno, 14th century; source here)
May the Good Lord hasten the day!
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