Gone to the Dogs: “Catholic” Quasi-Funeral Service for Dead Chihuahua in Belgium
The Novus Ordo Sect has reached a new low in Belgium. Explicitly citing “Pope” Francis’ call to reach out to the peripheries, “Fr.” Francis Lallemand has conducted a “Liturgy of the Word” quasi-funeral /bereavement service for a dog in his parish church of St. Victor in Sambreville, Belgium. The abomination took place on Wednesday, April 22. Lallemand is part of the “Catholic” diocese of Namur, whose local “bishop” is Remy Victor Vancottem, appointed by Benedict XVI in 2010.
The “funeral” was conducted for “Miss Chiwa”, an 11-year-old Chihuahua who had become somewhat famous for having appared in various television shows. It was attended by approximately 70 people, many of whom brought their own dogs to the service. Here are some videos of the atrocity:
Psalm 73:7 comes to mind: “They have set fire to thy sanctuary: they have defiled the dwelling place of thy name on the earth.”
So far, no English reports exist yet on the canine funeral, but we have compiled a list to various news reports in French, Dutch, Italian, and German, some of which contain more photos and clips. Please be careful, as the following are links to mostly secular European news sources — some indecent images may appear on these pages:
- Italian: Funerale per un Chihuahua (Il Timone)
- French: Miss Chiwa a eu droit à une véritable cérémonie religieuse à Sambreville (La Meuse)
- French: Miss Chiwa, célèbre Chihuahua de Sambreville recoit des Adieux en grande pompe (Closer)
- French: La très embarassante cérémonie d’adieu à Miss Chiwa, célèbre chihuahua belge (Libération)
- Dutch: Hond krijgt begrafenis in kerk (Nieuwsblad)
- German: In katholischer Kirche Beerdigungsgottesdienst für einen Hund (Nur ein Kreuzknappe)
So far, the “bishop” of Namur has not yet made a statement or taken any action against the offending presbyter, though it has been reported that a spokesman for the “bishop” has said he considers such a service “inappropriate”.
[UPDATE 08-MAY-2015: “Bishop” of Namur approves of Funeral Service for Dog, defends “Priest”]
Here are some more photos of the “inappropriate” event:
One last good-bye…
Rev. Francis Lallemand, the “Catholic priest” conducting the bereavement service
They all brought their “babies”…
Mankind has come full circle: We’re back to animal worship
We live in a society in which animals are treated like people, and people like animals. This unholy correlation is no accident. The more the Masonic “dignity of man” is emphasized, the less true human dignity is actually upheld, because genuine human dignity is rooted in God, who created man in His “image and likeness” (see Gen 1:26-27). A world which denies the existence of God, or merely pays Him lipservice, and promotes the fairy-tale of evolution instead, cannot distinguish the essence of man from the essence of the brute, and hence the value or worth of a human being, and that of an animal, is reduced to that of mere functionality, of what a particular being is capable of doing. It is for this reason that we see a rise in the “dignity” of animals while people who are in some way inconvenient or restricted in their actions — the unborn, the elderly, the terminally ill, the handicapped — are being murdered under the guise of “mercy” and “compassion” and “dignity”.
Pope Leo XIII, sensing what the godless “dignity of man” was leading to, warned over 100 years ago: “The world has heard enough of the so-called ‘rights of man.’ Let it hear something of the rights of God” (Leo XIII, Encyclical Tametsi, n. 13).
The Vatican II Church, of course, is all about the rights and dignity of man, never about the rights and dignity of God, who is terribly offended at interfaith prayer services, where truth and falsehood are mixed together as one, as though our Lord had not come to preach the truth (cf. Jn 14:6) and drive the poison of error out of people’s minds and souls (cf. Jn 8:32,36), as though Christ and Belial were but different expressions of the same “truth” (cf. 2 Cor 6:14-18). In 1928, Pope Pius XI strongly condemned interfaith activity in his marvelous encyclical letter Mortalium Animos.
When was the last time that Francis preached about man’s duty towards God? When did he ever preach that God has a strict right, in justice, to all of our faith, love, adoration, worship, praise, and thanksgiving? When does he ever talk about what we owe to God?
God is out of the picture — the Modernist Vatican has made sure of that. He is retained only as some vague force that exists to forgive our sins, solve our problems, and make us feel good. God is gone, and man has been enthroned in his place — and that is why everything is now going to the dogs.
Image sources: youtube.com (screenshots)
Licenses: fair use
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