Historical tidbit found on VHS…

Video: Sedevacantism Debate
with SSPV Clergy and Indult Traditionalists

top left to right: Rev. Brian Harrison, Bp. Clarence Kelly
bottom left to right: Fr. William W. Jenkins, Count Neri Capponi

A reader of this web site recently found a real treasure buried on an old VHS tape: a debate on Sedevacantism between Society of St. Pius V (SSPV) clergy and ‘mainstream’ traditionalists.

The length of the recording is 2 hours 43 minutes. The exchange must have taken place around 1995. The participants were Bp. Clarence Kelly and Fr. William Jenkins for the SSPV, versus Fr.’READ MORE

On the “heretical Pope” question…

White Smoke, Anti-Pope:
A Response to “Fr.” Brian Harrison

The Rev. Brian Harrison, O.S., is a former professor of theology of the so-called Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. Australian by birth, he is a convert to the Vatican II Sect from Presbyterianism (1972). Harrison belongs to the conservative/semi-traditionalist wing of the Novus Ordo Sect and has contributed to publications such as The Remnant, The Latin Mass, This Rock (now Catholic Answers Magazine), and Living Tradition, whose associate editor he is. One of the few clerics of the Modernist Sect who is willing to deal with traditionalist issues, Harrison is often tapped when the Novus Ordo Church needs someone to weigh in on traditionalist controversy, especially Sedevacantism.… READ MORE