That “Francis Effect”…

Irish Novus Ordo Priest outs himself as a Sodomite during “Mass”, receives Standing Ovation

Homo-perverts in the Novus Ordo Sect are getting a lot bolder now that Mr. “Who am I to judge?” Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”) is in charge. The weekend of January 3 and 4, the Rev. Martin Dolan, the sole “priest” at St. Nicholas of Myra parish in Dublin, Ireland, encouraged his congregation to support the country’s upcoming referendum to legalize so-called “gay marriage.” While doing so, he mentioned that he is a homosexual himself.

What was the reaction? Instead of people being aghast and petrified or walking out at such a scandalous sermon and the presbyter’s revelation that he has an inclination to engage in a sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance, the congregation instead gave him a standing ovation.… READ MORE

Introducing TRADCAST — the new Podcast from Novus Ordo Watch

Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come to kick things up a notch: As more and more people are beginning to wake up to what has really happened to the Catholic Church since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958, we have decided to meet the growing demand for genuine Catholic information and analysis in an exciting new way: In addition to the great informative content already being offered on the Novus Ordo Wire blog and all throughout the Novus Ordo Watch web site, we will now be adding professional audio podcasts, beginning January 19, 2015.… READ MORE