Sancte Pie X, ora pro nobis!
The Great Saint Pius X
Every year on September 3, the Catholic Church commemorates the great Pope St. Pius X, Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto, the Scourge of the Modernists. This year, we have decided to commemorate this joyous occasion by offering a collection of our own and others’ material on this great Pontiff. (Click images for larger view.) Enjoy!
Our own Posts (including many photos and videos):
- Centennial (100th Anniversary) of St. Pius X’s Passing to Heavenly Glory (Aug. 20, 2014)
- How “Pope” Francis commemorated St. Pius X Centennial (Aug. 20, 2014)
- 60th Anniversary of the Canonization of Saint Pius X (May 29, 2014)
- Pope St. Pius X: Defender of the Faith, Model of Heroic Holiness (Sep. 3, 2013)

St. Pius X around age 14 – his nickname was “Beppo”
Other Material:
- Litany of Pope St. Pius X
- Newspaper Clip: Pope Pius X Denounces Tango Dancing as part of “New Paganism”
- The only Movie ever made about Pope Pius X: Gli Uomini Non Guardano Il Cielo (Italian)
- Ecclesiastical Milestones of Pope St. Pius X –
- Incredible Rare Video Footage of Pius X alive: St. Pius X walking in Vatican Gardens
- Video Footage: The Canonization of St. Pius X by Pope Pius XII (1954)
- Photo Collection: Saint Pius X
- Extensive Photo Collection: Pope Saint Pius X
- The Canonization of Pope St. Pius X in Pictures
- Book Recommendation: Saint Pius X: Restorer of the Church by Yves Chiron, with many gorgeous photos
- Modernism’s Eternal Foe, Our Eternal Friend: St. Pius X and the Conciliar Church by Tom Droleskey
- Wikipedia Article “Pope Pius X”
Pope Pius X’s Most Important Doctrinal Papal Documents:
- E Supremi – on the Restoration of All Things in Christ (1903)
- Acerbo Nimis – on the Teaching of Christian Doctrine (1905)
- Vehementer Nos – on Separation of Church and State (1906)
- Lamentabili Sane – the Syllabus of Modernist Errors (1907)
- Pascendi Dominici Gregis – on the Doctrine of the Modernists (1907)
- Praestantia Scripturae – on the Bible & Modernism (1907)
- Editae Saepe – on St. Charles Borromeo (1910)
- Sacrorum Antistitum – the Oath Against Modernism (1910)
- Our Apostolic Mandate – on Social Ills and Peace without Christ (1910)
Holy Pope Pius X, intercede for us, who suffer in this valley of tears, and deliver us from the heresy of Modernism, which you rightly called the “synthesis of all heresies”, and which has penetrated our sinful world down to its deepest fibers. Assist God’s holy Church from your heavenly abode: Obtain for us the grace of a true Pope and the full restoration of the Church and Christian society. St. Pius X, pray for us!
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