The Ecclesiology Debate:
Did Vatican II Teach Heresy?

Bp. Donald Sanborn vs. Dr. Robert Fastiggi
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Resolved: The teaching of the Second Vatican Council and the Post-Conciliar Church about the Nature of the Catholic Church is HERETICAL.
- Affirmative: Most Rev. Donald Sanborn (Sedevacantist)
- Negative: Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Ph.D. (Novus Ordo)
- Moderator: Mr. Courtney Robinson
Date of Debate: July 19, 2004
Length of Debate: 2:00 hrs
Trailer Clip: available here (click) — use it to tell friends & family about this debate!
Documents & Documentation relating to this debate
- The New Ecclesiology: An Overview (Sanborn)
- The New Ecclesiology: Documentation (PDF; Sanborn)
- Instruction to Puseyite Anglicans (Pope Pius IX)
- Apostolic Letter Iam Vos Omnes (Pope Pius IX)
- Encyclical Letter Praeclara Gratulationis (Pope Leo XIII)
- Encyclical Letter Satis Cognitum (Pope Leo XIII)
- Encyclical Letter Mortalium Animos (Pope Pius XI)
- Encyclical Letter Mystici Corporis (Pope Pius XII)
- Instruction De Motione Oecumenica on Ecumenism (Pope Pius XII)
- Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium (Vatican II)
- CDF Letter Communionis Notio (John Paul II)
- 1992 Universal Catechism (John Paul II)
- Encyclical Letter Ut Unum Sint (John Paul II)
- Declaration Dominus Iesus (John Paul II)
- Called to Holiness and Communion: Vatican II on the Church (Boguslawski/Fastiggi, eds.)
- [we are not aware of any online writings by Dr. Fastiggi on this topic — if you know of any, please contact us and we’ll be glad to link to them here]
About Bp. Donald Sanborn:
- Bp. Sanborn is rector of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida, and teaches various courses on Thomistic philosophy and Sacred Theology
- Bp. Sanborn was ordained a priest by Abp. Marcel Lefebvre in 1975 and consecrated a bishop by Bp. Robert McKenna, O.P., in 2002
- Bp. Donald Sanborn Biographical Sketch
- Theological Position: Sedevacantist (more specifically, sedeprivationist; holds that the last true Pope was Pius XII)
About Dr. Robert Fastiggi:
- Dr. Fastiggi is professor of systematic theology at Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit, Michigan
- Dr. Fastiggi is co-editor of the Latin-English translation of the 43rd edition of Denzinger’s Enchiridion Symbolorum, published by Ignatius Press (2012), as well as the executive editor of the 2009-2013 supplements to the New Catholic Encyclopedia
- Dr. Robert Fastiggi Curriculum Vitae and Bibliographical Sketch
- Theological Position: Novus Ordo (in full communion with the Vatican institution currently headed by Francis)
Free Bonus Video:
Bp. Sanborn’s Follow-Up Conference on the
Ecclesiology of the Second Vatican Council (2 hrs)
If your browser will not properly display the embedded video, CLICK HERE to watch on YouTube
More on the Second Vatican Council:
- The Theological Errors of the Second Vatican Council (Resource Collection)
- An Examination of the Documents of Vatican II (Radio Discussion with Bp. Sanborn)
- The explosive Vatican II Diaries of Mgr. Joseph Clifford Fenton
- Did Vatican II Teach Infallibly? (John S. Daly)
- Newly discovered Karl Rahner Testimony on behind-the-scenes at Vatican II
- Post-Vatican II version of Denzinger cuts out Religious Liberty Condemnation