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‘Cardinal’ Timothy Dolan of New York: Christ’s New Covenant Exists Side-By-Side with Jewish Old Covenant! - To say anything else would be 'antisemitic', eh? #catholictwitter #catholic #catholicchurch

How ironic, but it seems that Francis is now in a similar situation as Benedict XVI was from 2013-22: He sits in the Vatican and is shielded from the world - almost no one gets to see him. #popefrancis #catholic #vatican

Novus Ordo 'Mass' in Germany... I think that was last year during the carnival season.

Twitter feed video.
Anthony @Catholicizm1

Is this really any worse than a Marty Haugen hymn?

@badatcatholic @MeyerRen3 @ian11511 @FrJMawdsley This is what we're talking about: "Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, for through your goodness we have this bread (or wine) to offer, fruit of the earth (vine) and work of human hands, It will become for us the bread of life (spiritual drink)" -

@habibianalytics Easy to say so many years after the fact with so much information easily available at our fingertrips. Regardless, all these Popes had to answer before God, who judged them much better than you or I ever could.

@ceclricr Because then it would reach a lot more people, for example. When Mr. Burke denounces apostasy, no secular media outlet cares. If he were to denounce 'Pope' Francis as an apostate destroying the Church, that would get media attention.

Vatican News wants you to believe Francis was "leading from the hospital" because he signed off on a few things, denounced wars, and allegedly wrote a letter to a newspaper in between getting treated for pneumonia, having choking attacks, suffering the beginnings of kidney

Oh, the irony! In his "irenic response to an Orthodox convert's critique of the papacy", published today, Dr. Peter Kwasniewski suddenly remembers the importance of having a Pope to submit to as the final arbiter and judge who is to be obeyed (except when he shouldn't be, as

First indigenous nun at Canadian school contradicts anti-Catholic ‘mass grave’ narrative - #catholicchurch #catholictwitter

A quick lesson in Papal Authority 101 for Dr. Peter Kwasniewski. Course lecturer: Pope Pius IX. #catholictwitter #catholic #sspx #fsspx #fssp

It's the not-so-beautiful moments that ruin it all, though. The same 'Pope' who gives a beautiful hug to this girl will then tell her that all religions lead to God. "And no wonder: for Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light" (2 Cor 11:14). #PopeFrancis

Twitter feed video.
Pope Respecter @poperespecter1

This Pope has so many beautiful moments.

'Cardinal' Raymond Burke: "We cannot fail to observe that the situation of rebellion against Christ and His Law, which Pope Pius XI described in 1925, has only grown worse in our time and attempts ever more to infiltrate the life of the Church herself and to corrupt the Bride of

@badatcatholic @MeyerRen3 @ian11511 @FrJMawdsley The Pope has the power and rite to change the Mass, of course. If Paul VI was Pope, then had that power. However, the Mass was not simply changed, it was turned into a Protestant meal service with Jewish table blessings instead of an offertory. That, obviously, is impossible,

Abuse victims' association denounces six Novus Ordo cardinals who are considered possible successors to Francis: Péter Erdő, Kevin Farrell, Víctor Fernández, Mario Grech, Robert Prevost, and Luis Tagle - "The organisation accuses them of covering up the

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Abuse victims' association denounces six cardinals

They are all considered potential papal successors

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