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Ooh, this #Synod is going to be good! Part III of the working document considers “the places that are the tangible contexts for our embodied relationships marked by their variety, plurality and interconnection, and rooted in the foundation of the profession of faith, resisting

For those worrying @CarloMVigano will scandalise people:

Many souls are ALREADY scandalised by Francis and V2. These denunciations will ENCOURAGE them and lead them to God in ways burying heads in sand never will.

These souls are precious to God too.

Pope Francis’s chief of staff admits to signing off on a ‘completely fictitious’ five million euro invoice – another glimpse of the corruption at the heart of this Rupnik-protecting, TLM-persecuting pontificate:

Question for @Pontifex: Which of these is now the face or the presence of Christ? The quasi-divine migrant or the victim of violence? #popefrancis

What's this, a 'Train Mass'? Good thing it wasn't the Traditional Latin Mass, otherwise there might be some serious repercussions now... #catholictwitter

The exciting “Instrumentum laboris” for the Second Session of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the #Synod of Bishops has been released... only 20,000 words! - #catholictwitter

Here’s an article I wrote back in 2019 on Fr Maurizio Chiodi’s controversial interview with Avvenire, in which he suggested, on the basis of Amoris Laetitia, that sexual acts within a homosexual relationship can be good, at least in certain circumstances:

VATICAN: “There is also a call for adequately trained lay men & women to contribute to preaching the Word of God, including during the celebration of the Eucharist,” the #Vatican's new text notes.
The document will underpin the Synod this Oct.

My report on @LifeSite below --

The #Vigano drama presents an important question each person who considers himself #Catholic will have to answer: ARE YOU IN COMMUNION with 'POPE' FRANCIS? #schism #catholictwitter #catholicchurch #popefrancis

Excluded and Marginalized: Vatican Declares ‘Abp.’ Viganò Excommunicated for Schism - Vigano has not only resisted the #Vatican but denounced the false shepherds! #catholic #catholictwitter #vigano #popefrancis #catholicx #schism

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