Caution, another “joy” document…

Antipope Francis

“Apostolic Constitution” Veritatis Gaudium
on Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties

December 27, 2017

The Vatican has released yet another monster of a document: Veritatis Gaudium (“The Joy of Truth”). In its English version, the thing has 22,862 words in 56 pages. It contains four major sections that include a total of 70 articles, features two appendices, and has 113 footnotes.

Not surprisingly, this supposed “Apostolic Constitution” once again features a Latin word meaning “joy” in its title. This time, it’s gaudium again, a Novus Ordo favorite (think Gaudium et Spes and Evangelii Gaudium, for example, and John XXIII’s address that opened Vatican II, Gaudet Mater Ecclesia).