“Lost Shepherd” being released today…

Playing Favorites:
Francis’ Accountability Double Standard

Exclusive Excerpt from the new Book Lost Shepherd by Phil Lawler

Today is the day a new book against Francis is hitting the shelves in the United States: Lost Shepherd: How Pope Francis is Misleading His Flock. It was written by Philip F. Lawler, who is a conservative Novus Ordo journalist, author, and commentator who will no longer remain silent about the damage the “Pope” has been inflicting on souls under the guise of Catholicism.

Lawler currently publishes a popular column at Catholic Culture, where he has been venting some of his frustration about the man he, despite all, still believes to be a valid Pope of the Catholic Church.… READ MORE

Luke 6:41 Alert…

The Importance of Not Being… Sedevacantist?
Chris Ferrara’s Double Standard

On Dec. 31, 2017, The Remnant‘s senior polemicist Christopher Ferrara published an interesting blog post entitled “The Importance of Not Being Us”. In it, he takes to task the two Novus Ordo apologists Karl Keating and Dave Armstrong for a recent public exchange they had over a new book by Catholic Culture‘s Philip Lawler, bearing the title Lost Shepherd: How Pope Francis is Misleading His Flock.

Keating, Armstrong, and Lawler all fall into the “conservative” or “Neo-Catholic” camp of the Novus Ordo Sect, the difference being that Lawler is no longer willing to deny what is in front of his very eyes with regard to “Pope” Francis’ teachings and actions.… READ MORE