The post-Christian ‘new man’ worships himself…

Blasphemous Art in Linz Cathedral:
Adoration of ‘The New Family’

Austrian ‘artist’ Bernadette Huber kneels before a digital image of herself
(image: Facebook/censored and cropped by Novus Ordo Watch)

For at least the third time this year, Immaculate Conception Cathedral in the diocese of Linz, Austria, has been the site of revolting blasphemy, legitimized and promoted under cover of its status as ‘art’.

Frequent visitors of this blog will recall the disgusting ‘Virgin Mary Giving Birth’ statue that was displayed in a side chapel of the cathedral in late June, followed by an absurd installation of pink hoses hanging from the ceiling that were draped over a balcony and the staircase leading up to the pulpit, under the title ‘They Call Me Mama’.… READ MORE