76-Year-Old “Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina elected 6th Antipope of Vatican II Sect, claims Title “Pope Francis”
For Updates and All Other News surrounding Francis,
see our “Pope Francis” Page here (CLICK)
Photos, Videos & Major News of Conclave (updated daily)
- Full Text: Sermon of Angelo Sodano, Dean of the College of “Cardinals”
- A Rainy Day – Photos of First Day of Conclave
- “Extra Omnes” – “Everybody Out” – Door of Sistine Chapel closes
- Video: First Ballots are burned – Black Smoke from Chimney (March 12, 7:42pm Rome time)
- Video: FOX News Coverage on Extra Omnes, First Black Smoke
- The Best Novus Ordo Watch Tweets on the Election of Bergoglio
Day 2 (March 13): Black Smoke after Second and Third Ballots
Day 1 (March 12): Black Smoke after First Ballot
Blogs of Interest
Who are the Electors? – Click Collage for Info
Information on the “Cardinals” & Papabili
- List of “Cardinal” Electors’ First Names in Latin – for “Habemus Papam” Announcement
- The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church [includes the “Cardinals” of the Novus Ordo Church]
- Vatican Web Site’s List of All “Cardinals” with Photos and Biographical Entries
- Contenders for the Conclave: List of Papabili (as of 2009)
- Tradition In Action: Papabili, Speculations, and the German Force in the Vatican
- Tradition In Action: The Succession Begins
- Video: Key Players in the Conclave
- “Peter the Roman”? Guess which Roman “Cardinal’s” name is Peter….
- Papabile “Cardinal” Peter Turkson reveals his Vision for the New Church
- Is Benedict’s Successor Already Running the Vatican?
- The Kingmen who will Influence the Conclave: “Cardinals” Kasper, Bergoglio
- Conclave ’13: “Runners and Riders”: Snapshot of “Cardinals” Scola, Ouellet, Schönborn, Scherer, Sandri, Turkson, Tagle, Braz de Aviz, Dolan, Ravasi
- Meet the Potential “Popes”
- Catholic News Service: Twelve to Watch as “Cardinals” Gather in Rome
- Flashback 2010: Austrian Parliamentarian says Vienna “Cardinal” Christoph Schonborn is a Freemason
- Christoph Schonborn – the Left’s Candidate
- Video: Papabile – Names and Faces of the “Papal” Transition
- No Surprise Here: “Cardinal” Walter Kasper wants Women Deacons
- Vatican insists all “Cardinals” attend Conclave – including Phony Baloney Mahony
- “Papabile of the Day”: A Look at who could succeed Benedict XVI, by the National [Non-]Catholic Reporter
- Explanation of the Novus Ordo College of Cardinals (Catholic News Agency)
- Another Explanation of Novus Ordo Cardinals (Our Sunday Visitor)
- “White Smoke, Black Pope? The Odds Against an ‘Obama Moment'” (Religion News Service)
- “Cardinal” Ossa: “Next [Anti-]Pope likely to be young”
- Photo Gallery: The Papabili of the March Conclave
- Vatican Insider: Absence of Clear Favorite leaves Door open to Many Possibilities
- Vatican Idol? Campaign for “Cardinal” Turkson in Rome
- Flashback 2012: “Cardinal” Schonborn’s Manifesto for the “Papacy”
- Profile of future “Pope” emerging from General Congregation Sessions
- Conclave Scandal: “Cardinal” Odilo Scherer (Brazil) Campaigning for “Pope”?
- Irksome Turkson: U.S. Left-Wing Lobbies for Socialist Ghanaian “Cardinal”
- Clash of the “Cardinals”: The Italian-American Media War Heats Up
- Fault Lines Emerge as “Cardinals” Gather to Vote
- Video Portrait: “Cardinal” Angelo Scola, Intellectual from a Humble Background
- Video: Snapshots of the Novus Ordo’s Papabile
- “Cardinal” Scola working on an Election Coup?
- Video: John Allen on the Top Contenders in the “Papal” Race
- “Cardinals” Prepare for Imminent Conclave
- Former Assistant to Hans Kung, “Cardinal” Walter Kasper Leads Coalition of Progressives
- When “Cardinals” are outed for their Homosexuality
- Runner-Up to Ratzinger in ’05 Conclave is Drawing Attention – Again
Background to the Conclave
- March 12, 2013: Conclave Begins 4:30 pm (Central European Time)
- Conclave Information, Participants, Statistics, Details
- First Step of the Conclave Process: “Cardinal” Sodano sends out Conclave Announcement, officially Summons “Cardinals” to Rome
- Novus Ordo Resource: Conclave: Step by Step Through the Papal Interregnum [PDF] by Charles Burns
- Interactive Animation about the Conclave: “How a Pope Is Elected” by Vatican Insider
- Video Illustration: “How a Pope Is Elected” by Vatican Insider
- Universi Dominici Gregis: John Paul II’s Rules Governing the Conclave (1996)
- “Normas Nonnullas“: Benedict XVI’s “Apostolic Letter” Motu Proprio Regarding the Election of the “Roman Pontiff” – allows “Cardinals” to move up date of conclave
- The Strictest Secrecy: How Conclaves Work
- Vatican Spokesman: Ratzinger will not participate in or influence Conclave
- Video: Who’s in Charge during the Sede Vacante Period?
- Vatican Spokesman Lombardi denies Power Struggles between “Cardinals” [oh, come on!]
- The Tablet: The Resignation of Benedict XVI – How It Happened
- No Surprise Here: Benedict’s Leaked Documents Show Fractured Vatican Full of Rivalries
- “Cardinal” Jean-Louis Tauran: The man who will announce “Habemus Papam” after the White Smoke
- Foreign Press has Field Day with Scandals surrounding Conclave
- Photo Gallery: Vatican prepares Sistine Chapel for Conclave – this time, two stoves to be used at conclave: one for burning ballots, one for producing black or white smoke
- SILENCE: College of “Cardinals” imposes Media Silence
- SILENCE: No more Interviews from “Cardinals” amid Info Leaks
- Dolan Defiant? Daily Radio Briefing from the “Archbishop” of New York
- ‘U.S. vs. the Curia’ has become Story Line in Rome
- At Vatican, Leaks, Media Blackout Cast Spotlight on Press Corps
- “Party Politics” and the Coming Conclave
- Habemus Chimney: Video shows installation of Smoke Stack on top of the Sistine Chapel
- CNS: Conclave Smoke Signal Timetable
- Conclave Schedule for First Days: “Cardinals” to have Breakfast BEFORE “Mass”! (that is totally typical of the Novus Ordo)
- Ready for the Conclave: Photos from prepped Sistine Chapel (March 9)
- Sistine Chapel – Ganswein to be inside, First Smoke Signals Expected Tuesday Night (Rome time)
- Photo Gallery: Sistine Chapel, Saint Martha House before the Conclave
- How Conclaves work: A Guide to the Rules and Rituals
- “Annuntio Vobis Gaudium Magnum…” – What the Novus Ordo “Senior Cardinal-Deacon” Will Say after the Election to announce the new Novus Ordo “Pope”
- Benedict out of sight as Conclave begins to elect his Successor
- Full Text: “Cardinal” Sodano’s Sermon at the “Mass for the Election of a Pope” (March 12)
- Informational Graphic: Inside the Conclave – a great illustration of the what happens where
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