Father Reid Hennick leaves SSPX

Society of St. Pius X Priest Becomes Sedevacantist

Ordained for the SSPX in 2016: Fr. Reid Hennick

Father Reid Hennick was ordained a priest for the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) on June 3, 2016, by Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta.

On Feb. 12, 2025, Fr. Hennick published a one-page letter in which he announced he was leaving the Society because he could not in good conscience continue his ministry in it, having adopted the sedevacantist position.

“…I have come to the conclusion that the Holy See has been vacant since the Second Vatican Council — a conclusion with profound implications for the apostolate”, Fr. Hennick wrote. He emphasized that despite the theological differences he has with the SSPX, he was leaving on amicable terms with them.

The following is the full text of the letter Fr. Hennick wrote:

February 12, 2025
Feast of the Seven Holy Founders

Dear Brother Priests, Religious, and Faithful of the Society of St. Pius X:

I write to share my decision to step away from ministry in the SSPX. Over the past few years, my view of the crisis in the Church has changed significantly. Despite sincere efforts to find a way forward with the Society, my recent cordial audience with the Superior General gave me the clarity to know that I can no longer presume to represent its interests.

I realize that this news may come as a surprise. Not wanting to disturb anyone’s peace, I chose the path of discretion rather than sow confusion or appear to disrupt the Society’s mission of saving souls. My intention has been to address this sensitive matter in a way that respects both the faithful and the integrity of the Society.

Now I find myself in the challenging position of conveying my decision to leave while still showing due respect to the SSPX. Inevitably, such decision points to serious disagreements. Nevertheless, I do not wish to deny or diminish the real good that the Society accomplishes. Its provision of the sacraments and valuable Catholic formation to so many, along with all that it has done for me, are things for which am deeply grateful.

My departure stems from theological conviction and the demands of conscience that follow. Specifically, I have come to the conclusion that the Holy See has been vacant since the Second Vatican Council — a conclusion with profound implications for the apostolate. While this statement requires elaboration, the limited scope of this letter does not permit it. Suffice it to say that when I entered the seminary, I was confident that certain doctrinal questions had been resolved. Over time, however, my confidence in those resolutions eroded. I can only hope that those of you who know me best will understand the gravity of the deliberation behind my conclusion — even if you disagree wholeheartedly.

As indicated above, I have made every effort to accommodate myself to the practical mission of the SSPX, hoping it possible a to continue serving as a Society priest while holding to and acting on my convictions. But it has become clear to me that such an arrangement is, under the present circumstances, unsustainable in the long run.

If this announcement brings confusion or discomfort, please be assured that my foremost concern is to avoid undermining your spiritual peace. I share this news only to provide some a context to a decision that I could no longer realistically postpone. Regardless, I implore you to remain steadfast in the practice of the one true faith, continuing to cooperate with God’s grace, as I strive to do and trust that you do as well.

Although I must leave the Society, my commitment as a Catholic priest to the salvation of souls remains unwavering. To this end, I humbly request your prayers as I discern how best to serve Holy Mother Church in keeping with my vocation. The friendships and pastoral encounters that I have enjoyed in the SSPX remain precious to me, and I have no intention of distancing myself from anyone who wishes to keep in contact. May Our Lord grant us the grace to remain united in charity, even when our paths diverge.

In the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary,


Fr. Reid Hennick

P.S. I am not opposed to this letter being shared for information purposes, but I do ask that the amicable nature of my departure be respected. As the theological matter referenced here is already much misunderstood, in your charity, please ensure that the letter not become a pretext for stirring up existing hostilities among traditionalist clergy and faithful.


We will leave this letter uncommented; we simply wanted to share the information. (For our own critique of the SSPX’s doctrinal position, please see here.)

Another priest recently left the Lefebvrist Society. On Sep. 18, 2024, the Swiss district announced that Fr. Firmin Udressy had exited the SSPX. Unfortunately, however, Fr. Udressy did not become a Sedevacantist; he opted for a conservative Novus Ordo community instead.

Let us pray for Fr. Hennick, that God may bless him abundantly for taking this unpopular but important step; and for Fr. Udressy, that God may grant him light and grace to follow suit.

Image source: fsspx.uk (cropped)
License: fair use

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