Sacrae Theologiae Summa
Summary of Sacred Theology:

Dogmatic Theology Set from 1950s now available in English — complete in 8 Volumes
Good news for all who love Catholic theology and all who have long wanted to get their hands on a comprehensive, reliable, and truly Catholic dogmatic theological manual in English: The complete dogmatic theology collection Sacrae Theologiae Summa by a group of Spanish Jesuits is now available in hardcover and ready to ship! The translator is Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J., who has rendered the non-Latin-speaking Catholic world a tremendous service.
Unlike other multi-volume manuals on Sacred Theology, this collection was not authored by a single theologian; rather, each volume or topical section has its own author(s), all of them Jesuits.
This English edition is published in 8 volumes, with the 4 original volumes being published in two parts each. The publisher is the semi-traditionalist Keep the Faith, Inc. If you are interested in ordering either the entire set or any of the volumes individually, you can do so at the following links (full disclosure: purchases through these links benefit the work of Novus Ordo Watch at no additional cost to you):
Sacrae Theologiae Summa (“Summary of Sacred Theology”)
— click each volume to order or for more information:
- Volume 1-A: Introduction to Theology / On Christian Revelation (Nicolau)
- Volume 1-B: On the Church of Christ / On Holy Scripture (Salaverri, Nicolau) **This is the volume on ecclesiology that blasts the Recognize-and-Resist position!**
- Volume 2-A: On the One and Triune God (Dalmau)
- Volume 2-B: On God the Creator and Sanctifier / On Sins (Sagües)
- Volume 3-A: On the Incarnate Word / On the Blessed Virgin Mary (de Aldama, Solano)
- Volume 3-B: On Grace / On the Infused Virtues (González Rivas, de Aldama)
- Volume 4-A: On the Sacraments in General / On Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance and Anointing (de Aldama, González, Sola, Sagües)
- Volume 4-B: On Holy Orders and Matrimony / On the Last Things (Sola, Sagües)
[NOTE: If any of these volumes are temporarily unavailable through Amazon, call the publisher directly to order: 201-327-5900. Full disclosure: Novus Ordo Watch makes a commission on any copies purchased through Amazon at the above links.]
For the benefit of our readers and anyone who may be interested in obtaining one or several of these volumes, we are making available — at this point, as an internet exclusive — the entire table of contents of volume 1B’s “On the Church of Christ”, Fr. Salaverri’s treatise on Ecclesiology:
You can see how thoroughly the subject matter is being treated. Ecclesiology is perhaps the most important branch of dogmatic theology today, given that because of the Vatican II Sect and the semi-traditionalist “resistance” have both completely distorted Catholic teaching on the Church, the Papacy, and the Magisterium.
Originally published by the Spanish Biblioteca de Auctores Cristianos, this collection is also known by its acronym “BAC”. Each volume bears the required imprimatur, dated 1955-56. This is basically the “last Catholic theology” — the most current state of genuine Catholic theology — before the Novus Ordo Sect took over and at Vatican II made all dogmatic theology irrelevant.
Here is a snapshot of all eight volumes of Sacrae Theologiae Summa stacked up (click photo to enlarge):
This dogmatic theology set is invaluable and will help Catholics learn, understand, and deepen their knowledge of Sacred Theology in the coming decades. A big thank-you to all who helped make this translation, printing, and distribution possible!
Image sources: / own work
Licenses: fair use / not applicable
It is really unfortunate that Amazon does not sell this title to or in Europe.
The same with all other titles published by Keep The Faith…