Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
August 31, 2016
They’re not even hiding it anymore:
Benedictine Abbot Primate Notker Wolf joins band Feedback to play “Highway to Hell”
- Motu Inapproprio: Francis establishes “Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development” — focusing on the usual buzzwords of Justice, Peace, and Environmentalism. Naturally, the decree is mum on the spiritual needs of the soul… apparently not part of “integral human development”!
- “The Pope’s Boss”: Wikileaks reveals Francis in Unholy Alliance with George Soros — Look, he’s doing what he can to prove to Chris Ferrara he’s not a real Pope… but, so far, still no hope of success!
- “Catholic” Hospital System to provide Contraceptives in Partnership with Walgreens — And absolutely nothing will happen in terms of sanctions from the Vatican — this comes with a Francis guarantee!
- First-ever professional song against Vatican II released: “Vatican 2! What the Heck are You?” by True Restoration’s Damo — Listen online for free or purchase a downloadable copy!
- Fifty Shades of Grey: Francis exhorts his clergy to stop seeing only black and white: “Some programs of priestly formation run the risk of educating in the light of overly clear and distinct ideas, and therefore to act within limits and criteria that are rigidly defined in advance and that set aside concrete situations: this must be done, this mustn’t be done” — Oh, Francis, what a rigid idea you’re proposing!
- Francis makes it possible: After 46 Years of Adultery, Mexican Couple now gets to call it “Marriage”
- Conundrum for Francis: Iraqi Novus Ordo Priest tells the truth about Islam
- Pathetic: Novus Ordo Priest dances Flamenco with Parishioner after “Mass” — What would “Pope” Francis think about this? Well, for him it was Tango that had to be danced after “Mass”!
- Uh oh, this could lead to another demotion: “Cardinal” Burke has doubts about Vatican II teaching that Muslims and Catholics adore the same God… — but he emphasizes he is not an enemy of Francis!
- This explains a lot: Martin Luther a “Teacher of the Faith” for German Novus Ordo Bishops
- Video Message: 28 Minutes of Francis for “Extraordinary Jubilee Celebration of Mercy in the Americas”
- “Hermeneutic of Continuity” Update: Francis trashes Catholic Teaching on Capital Punishment, declares Death Penalty against the Divine Law — A quick review of the Catechism of the Council of Trent suffices to refute Mr. Bergoglio; and for those who think no crime is ever heinous enough to deserve the death penalty, this horrific case of the murder of a 9-year-old girl in Albuquerque proves otherwise…
- Museum for “Pope” John Paul I opens in Italy — He only “reigned” for 33 days but managed to quote a Satanist in an Angelus address during that short period of time!
- Francis in three words: Banality on Steroids
- “Oops, did I say that?”: Eric “TradCatKnight” Gajewski turns on John Salza — Thank goodness someone saved the interview he has since removed!
- This should be an interesting spectacle: “Latin High Mass” coming to Uber-Modernist Cathedral of Los Angeles
- He just can’t wait till February: Francis to create at least 13 new “Cardinals” in extra November Consistory — Names expected to be made public in mid-October, and we predict Blase Cupich is one of them…
- “Ordained” Women Deacons? John Salza and Robert Siscoe say it’s not impossible!
- Take a guess: Why do so many “Catholic” Church Employees donate to Pro-Abortion causes?
- “Papal” Pacifism: Non-violent Politics to be the focus of next World Day of Peace
- Part of Augustinian Monastery becomes Hotel — It’s the only way to get people to fill the rooms, ya know!
- Can’t even link to it without a warning: The Vatican’s Depraved Sex-Ed Program for Youth — WARNING: Provocative Sexual Images, incl. Nudity
- Giving a whole new meaning to “Apologetics”: Francis tells his adherents to apologize to Homosexuals and other Warriors of the LGBT Alphabet Soup
- And here we go already: Sydney’s “Catholics” Apologize to Perverts
- “New Springtime” Update: Same-Sex “Weddings” exceed Novus Ordo Weddings in Scotland
- A Lesson in Decency for Mark Shea: Why Catholics should refrain from Vulgarity
- Francis meets with Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg to promote the New World Order’s Panopticon for the people — Come on, we all know the real intent is to promote Catholicism for the salvation of souls…
- That’s it: “Vatican II is on our side” — Church Disneyland is starting to rival Eye of the Tiber…
- “Pope Emeritus”? Two more Novus Ordo prelates attack ridiculous concept made up by Ratzinger — This is just poetic justice: Novus Ordos refused to see that the Chair of St. Peter is vacant, so now God has sent them two “popes” as punishment!
- Former Nuncio to Argentina about Jorge Bergoglio: “A Man Sick with Power”
- Flashback 2005: “Saint” John Paul II receives “Blessing” from Apostate Jewish Rabbi
- Only in the Novus Ordo: Pornographic “Art” exhibition in Italian church
- Coming soon: Francis to attend Assisi Interreligious “Festival of Peace”
- How the Magisterium works in Recognize-and-Resist Land: “Papal” Document declared non-binding by American Layman
- What makes Francis the most dangerous is that his five predecessors look like orthodox Catholics by comparison — Perhaps that’s been the game plan all along?
- And now… the Masonic Memorial “Mass”! — Or, wait a minute, are we sure this isn’t a gathering of Gmail representatives?!
- Francis: Migrants’ Invasion of Europe an Opportunity for
Evangelization“Dialogue” — And notice how when he finally gets around to talking about “witnessing”, he refers only to the “Gospel of Charity”, which is FrancisSpeak for firing up soup kitchens and caressing the peripheries! - At the same time, Flip-Flop Frank of course tells his sheeple that the church “needs Christians who are on fire with the Holy Spirit and committed to proclaiming the Gospel”! — Sure, and he’s the first one to stand there with a fire hose dousing in water and foam those who dare to try to proclaim the Gospel; denouncing them for being wedded to “rigid ideas” and “ready-made certainties”!
- Not only disgusting and wicked but also stupid: High-Ranking Novus Ordo Priest busted for sending Pictures of his Genitals to Church Pool Contractor
- They call it “Evangelization”: Suor Cristina brings Nightclub Atmosphere to World Youth Day 2016
- Revolutionary Scientific Discovery: Study finds Babies are born either Male or Female!
- Francis gives the all-clear: “Having two Popes” is just fine with the people!
- Put on your Surprise Face: Novus Ordo Vatican caught covering up Sex Crimes
- While you’ve got that surprise face around: Dallas “Bishop” OK’s Pro-Abort, Pro-Perversion Politician to speak at Parish
- Now available for free online: AA-1025: The Memoirs of an Anti-Apostle — This is the leaked diary of a Communist who had infiltrated the Catholic Church in the 20th century as one of thousands (available in paperback here)
- This is probably what ultimately got him fired: Mark Shea effectively tells people to vote for Hillary Clinton
- Why you’re not Novus Ordo anymore, Example #3814: The Dominican Village Dancers!
- News from the SSPX 2.0: Bp. Faure establishes “Priestly Society of the Apostles of Jesus and Mary”
- Behold the “Church of Tomorrow”: “Catholic” Youth in Krakow’s World Youth Day — CAUTION: IMMODESTY
- Topic of the Next Sin-Nod? Why, Married “Priests”, of course! — Well, what’s it matter now?!
- More from World Youth Day ’16: Stations of the Cross-Dresser
- Unmasking the Intellectual Rape of our Society: The Man behind the Concept of “Sexual Orientation”
- Don’t fall for the leftwing agitprop: The term “Judeo-Christian” is anti-Christian
- Getting our Language straight: Heresy is Not a Dirty Word — just a dirty concept!
- Sermon by Fr. Vili Lehtoranta: Feeneyism’s Rejection of Church Authority
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