March Madness in Brazil
Bishop Williamson consecrates Fr. Tomás de Aquino a Bishop for Resistance Group

The newly-consecrated Bishop Tomas de Aquino, OSB
Image Source: Non Possumus Blog
In an effort to expand the group of clerics that left the Society of St. Pius X in recent years because the SSPX wasn’t SSPX enough for them anymore, Bishop Richard Williamson — himself expelled from the SSPX in 2012 — consecrated another bishop, this time, Fr. Tomas de Aquino, OSB. The episcopal consecration took place as scheduled on March 19, 2016, in Nova Friburgo, Brazil, near Rio de Janeiro.
Some photos of the ceremony can be viewed here.
Last year, Williamson had consecrated Bp. Jean-Michel Faure, also on March 19, the Feast of St. Joseph. A commentary on the Faure consecration, which applies equally to the Aquino consecration, can be read here:
Once you admit the principle that one can split from a true Pope and “resist” him (read: ignore, fight, mock, criticize, contradict at will), there is no reason why there should only be one resistance group (like Bp. Fellay’s Society of St. Pius X) and not others. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. The problem here is simply that it isn’t good for the goose.
Last year, Bp. Williamson had also made news by voicing his opinion that assisting at the “New Mass” (Novus Ordo Missae) of the Vatican II Church was permissible under certain circumstances.
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