Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
March 7, 2016
Daily Life in the Novus Ordo… in Germany
- Francis happily accepts blasphemous Book Kosher Jesus from Rabbi — Price Tag: 30 Pieces of Silver…
- Put on your surprise face: “Catholic” Church in Michigan expands health insurance to Partners of Sodomites
- Can’t make this up: Dictionary of FrancisSpeak published in Italy, explains 50 Bergoglianisms — Yeah, that makes sense: Francis “speaks with the style of a pastor and his language is so simple that it becomes accessible to everyone” — that’s why you need a whole dictionary to explain the guy!
- The usual confusion: After tellingly abysmal performance in “Conflict Zone” interview, SSPX Superior Bishop Fellay says Reconciliation with Vatican not imminent — Contrariwise, “well-informed sources have confirmed for us that persons close to Bishop Fellay have been … quite confident about these matters”
- Speaking of the SSPX-Vatican Carousel: Will the Ride ever end?
- Not exactly Vatican II: Pope Leo XIII’s 1895 Warning against Ecumenism
- A Case Study in the New Religion that emerged at Vatican II: The Case of Religious Liberty and Mgr. Joseph Clifford Fenton
- Rarely have a picture and a headline matched more perfectly: Non-Catholics Invited to Confession
- Altoona exposed: ‘Staggering’ Priest Sex Abuse disclosed in Pennsylvania Diocese by Grand Jury — Atila S. Guimaraes asks: “Is the Pedophilia Crisis Re-Igniting?”
- This is all our beautiful Catholic churches are good for anymore to the Novus Ordo Sect: St. Paul Cathedral used as Backdrop for Red Bull Crashed Ice Event — See video here — Oh yes, and for this: Fashion Show in Catholic Cathedral in France
- And now… Illegal Alien Stations of the Cross! Since it’s the Church of Man, by Man, for Man, it would be entirely hypocritical to make the Stations of the Cross about God now…
- Francis outlines 24 Virtues Collaborators need in order to work in the Curia — Guess what: Faith isn’t one of them…
- Find the Dragon! Chicago’s Archlayman Cupich inaugurates Chinese Year of the Monkey — Hint: There are two dragons!
- The Novus Ordo Sect’s Practice with regard to Baptism: A “Laver of Regeneration No More”
- Beware of anyone who wants you to see him go to confession: “Pope” Francis flaunts his own confession again — Oh, the “humility”! “And when ye pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites, that love to stand and pray in the synagogues and corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men: Amen I say to you, they have received their reward” (Mt 6:5)
- From the Church that always prattles on about Evangelization, the usual warning as soon as someone actually tries to do it: Christians helping Migrants should not try to convert them, says “Cardinal” Muller
- Got too much money? Why not blow it on a “Mercy Cruise” with the Millionaires of Christ!
- A Laboratory of Ecumenism? Yes, and the Experiment has failed!
- Catholicism is out, the Talmud is in: The New Evangelization in Wisconsin
- Vatican Newspaper says Women should preach at “Mass” — Might as well now; that would at least raise the overall testosterone quotient around the “altar”…
- Conservative Novus Ordos getting restless: Francis and Contraception: A Troubling Scenario — Hey, Francis, here’s some basic Catholicism for ya: There can be no conflict between two commandments because God cannot command contradictory things!
- The Fruits of Vatican II: Catholic Church built in 1886 goes to the Dumpster, Building now Islamic Center — This is a fitting metaphor of what is happening with souls…
- Just guess what this monstrosity might be…
- The Future of the Church – and the Church of the Future: Sleepover in Church? Not a problem! Chill out, bro!
- The Abomination of Desolation in the Holy Place: Hindu Kirtan performed in New York Church
- “Antichrist 101” with Jorge Bergoglio: The words and deeds of “Pope” Francis are Textbook Antichrist
- Homosexual “Priest” Embezzlement Scandal in New York “Archdiocese”: Explosive Testimony from Whistleblower Inside Source
- “Sacred” Sodomy: St. Petersburg’s “Bishop” Robert Lynch says sodomite couples capable of “sharing relationships marked by love and holiness [!!]” and capable of “contributing to the edification of both the church and the wider society”!
- If you have an extra minute to spare, don’t make it a “Pope Francis Minute”…
- Maureen Mullarkey: Why Anti-Catholicism will Rise — For one thing, because you’ve got an Anti-Catholic in the Vatican…
- This is among the worst the Novus Ordo Sect has to offer: Los Angeles Religious Education Congress’ “Care of the Earth” Liturgy — Don’t try this at home!
- Why you’re not Novus Ordo anymore: “Contemporary Mass” at the “Community of the Good Shepherd”
- Theology of the Bawdy: Christopher West, Hugh Hefner, and the “Theology of the Body” Controversy
- Soon, very soon: “Saint” Paul VI
- The Noahide Church of Vatican II: The Damage Done by Nostra Aetate
- Yawn: Yet another “Rapper Priest”
- Same-Sex Civil Unions in Italy: Historical Betrayal by “Catholics” — And the ever-talkative Francis was silent!
- Ah, so Francis doesn’t get involved in politics, right? Except to praise a radical leftist former foreign minister and abortionist…
- The Naked Horror of Abortion in the United States: Twelfth Video exposing ‘Planned Parenthood’ released
- That figures: Britain’s Chief Rabbi hails Pope Francis as ‘Outstanding Spiritual Leader’
- Finally, the Novus Ordo Church has an “Interreligious Cathedral of Nature”! — What took them so long?!
- And now, your first-ever Laudato Si’ Chaos Liturgy: River “Mass”!
- Granted, we’re a bit late in covering this, but it’s interesting nonetheless: Conservative Dissent brewing inside Vatican
- Behold the “conservative” Novus Ordo movement: Scott Hahn, the Feminist
- Not to endorse the content, but to complete the historical record: The Suppressed 1978 Interview with Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
- The Ruin of Society didn’t happen overnight but step-by-step: One Sin at a Time
- Sermon by then-Fr. Donald Sanborn (1989): “Saint Athanasius and the Crisis in the Church”
- Mark your calendars: Bishop Sanborn coming to Europe for Easter
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