Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
March 1, 2015
In Austrian church, little children dance to Miriam Makeba’s “Patta Patta” after “Holy Mass” – and then, an attempt at breakdance
- As we predicted numerous times many months ago, a schism is coming: “Church in Poland set for Schism” — The irony is that it will be an intra-NovusOrdo schism, meaning it will be conservative Modernists vs. liberal Modernists. This could be Satan’s masterstroke, having created two false churches, to keep the good-willed ensnared in Modernism while believing themselves to have escaped the deception…
- Calm down, people, calm down: If your church needs a book from Ignatius Press to keep its “cardinals” from approving fornication, adultery and sodomy, then you have a much bigger problem than mail theft…
- The historical evidence speaks for itself: Paul VI’s Role after the Council omitted by Roberto de Mattei
- According to “Pope” Francis, Parents are capable of a “Divine Act”: Lifting their children up to be kissed by him!
- This video perfectly illustrates the sorry state of “Catholicism” in Germany: Display of “Art” in Novus Ordo Church claims to signify the “Precious Blood”
- Where is your money going? Catholic Relief Services accused of having implemented a Planned Parenthood Style Sex Education Program in Rwanda promoting Sexual Immorality
- Under Francis, German “Bishops” getting bolder and bolder: “We are Not Just a Subsidiary of Rome”
- Is this the first official Website of the Anti-Bergoglian Schism? Veri Catholici claims — you guessed it — to be the voice of true [Vatican-II-Sect] “Catholics” — Tons of people will be impressed just by the Latin on the site, that’s always a popular way to appeal to those of a traditional bent
- This man has a cult following that is downright uncanny: Paintings of Francis being touched, prayed before
- Sovietization: Publisher of book in defense of Matrimony accused of Conspiracy by Francis Defenders
- Guess which one is wrong: They Can’t Both Be Right
- Good for him: “Cardinal” Marx has identified the “Beginning of Terrorism”
- The Unholy See has found a “Common Front in Defending Traditional Values”…with Iran!
- Minor Detail: Basilian “Father” Timothy Scott, who told “Cardinal” Burke on Twitter to “Shut the F— Up”, refers to the Holy Ghost as “She”
- Since it obviously didn’t work the first four times: Francis mulls fifth Assisi Interfaith Prayer Meeting for “Peace”
- Can’t make it up: Uruguayan Comedians perform new Show, “The Bergoglios”
- It’s Lent… Time for your annual “Carbon Fast” (PDF)!
- “Dear Pope, please be Catholic”: Louie Verrecchio dismantles the idiotic Petition Drives to Francis
- If this is Success, we’d hate to see what Failure looks like: “The Pope Emeritus Experiment is Working”
- If you ignore Ferrara’s rhapsodizing about the Benedict years, this exposé of Karl Keating’s latest professional character assassination effort is pretty good
- Memo to Bro. Alexis Bugnolo: The real problem isn’t Team Bergoglio, it was Team Roncalli: Read Franco Bellegrandi’s explosive book Nichita Roncalli (free here in PDF), which explains how the election of “Pope” John XXIII came about that started the mess we’re in today
- Post-Rabbit Damage Control: Francis emphasizes Children are a Gift and a Joy
- In Argentina, a Satirical Magazine celebrates Francis’ Stance of Unnatural Vice by calling him “Faggot”
- Flashback 2011: Vatican Spokesman “Fr.” Thomas Rosica conducted the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, lauded Mormons’ great “Christianity” (Reality Check: Mormons do not believe in the Holy Trinity but in three separate gods, a belief that does not only fundamentally contradict Divine Revelation but also reason, as there can only be one infinite God, else He would not be infinite)
- And now… Monster “Mass”!
- What is going on here? Michael Voris mysteriously condemns Semi-Traditionalist Media after supporting them — See also this picture of yesteryear here
- The American Bergoglio gets a Spanking: Welcome to the United Church of Social Work — So it’s an NGO after all!
- Mi Casa es su Casa, huh? Rabbi Abraham Skorka reportedly lives at Casa Santa Marta at the Vatican
- Well hey, they believe it’s the same god, right? Muslim Invocations in Cologne Cathedral
- The Everly Brothers of Anti-Popes: Meet Frankie and Benny
- Reason No. 8544 not to be Novus Ordo: Mr. Mark Shea!
- They’re coming for your children: John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body” Pornology now available for Toddlers
- Whatever it takes to keep them inside the Modernist Church: “Cardinal” DiNardo of Anglican-Ordination-in-Catholic-Cathedral Infamy lets his Indult Traditionalists have their own Parish
- Vatican II in Action: Is Inca Worship now part of the ceremony of consecrating a “Bishop” in the New Church, or does this only happen in Chile?
- Francis Fatigue: “Papal” Audiences starting to run out of People… And this with the man who claims to know how to make the church attractive! Maybe they’ll start dragging them in from the Roman peripheries now…
- Quick, let’s cover up our beautiful sanctuary with a “Fasting Banner” for Lent!
- The Homo-Heresy strikes again: Mr. Robert Lynch, “Bishop” of St. Petersburg, Florida, claims Sodomites can share Relationships “marked by Love and Holiness”
- More Chaos in Novus Ordo Land: Why recite the Creed when you can dance it?!
- One more time: Francis comes out swinging against Traditionalists in his church
- In the Novus Ordo Church, there are only 2 Days in the entire year when fasting and abstinence are required: Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. So, clearly, it’s time to get a Dispensation for Ash Wednesday!
- Caution: Francis reveals that the issue of “Married Priests” is on his agenda…
- Heck no, he won’t go! Francis’ Commissioner “Fr.” Fidenzio Volpi vows to fight lawsuit against Manelli family, clarifies there is no court judgment against him (Original Story here)
- Good one: GloriaTV News, Comedy Edition
- Can’t beat experience, right? Founder of Homosexual Sect, a fallen-away “Catholic Priest”, invited to Synod 2014 for his “Experience” with Unnatural Perverts
- And here it is: The official Hymn for World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow, Poland
- You didn’t expect Catholicism, did you? A Quick Recap of Francis’ Christmas Sermon
- Do your soul a favor and watch this three-minute video: The Invalid Sacraments of the Vatican II Church
- The False Magisterium examined: The Three Principal Errors of Vatican II
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