Priceless In-Flight Entertainment

Chaos Frank brings down the House:

Church “must ask Forgiveness” of Homosexuals because “Who are we to Judge?!”; Martin Luther “did not err” on Justification; “All of us are Saints, because all of us have the Holy Spirit”

As we all know, “Pope” Francis provides free in-flight entertainment on the way home from every trip he takes by plane, and this was no less the case on June 26, as he was flying back from Armenia after a three-day trip. Speaking his mind freely in response to unscreened questions from journalists who accompanied him, Jorge Bergoglio proved once again today that the moniker we have given him — “Chaos Frank” — is a perfect fit.

You know how it goes aboard the “papal” plane: Fasten seatbelts. Taxi. Take-off. Interview. Francis. Chaos. Repeat. (The pilots must not have direct audio access to the cabin, to keep from crashing.)

Below we are reproducing the two main explosive questions and answers. Pay close attention in particular to the words in red. The first portion regards Martin Luther, the Reformation, and ecumenism:

[Tilmann] Kleinjung [questioner]: Too much beer … Holy Father, I wanted to ask you a question. Today you spoke of the gifts of the shared Churches, of the gifts shared by the Churches together. Seeing that you will go in I believe four months to Lund for the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the reformation, I think perhaps this is also the right moment for us not only to remember the wounds on both sides but also to recognize the gifts of the reformation. Perhaps also – this is a heretical question – perhaps to annul or withdraw the excommunication of Martin Luther or of some sort of rehabilitation. Thank you.

Pope Francis: I think that the intentions of Martin Luther were not mistaken. He was a reformer. Perhaps some methods were not correct. But in that time, if we read the story of the Pastor, a German Lutheran who then converted when he saw reality – he became Catholic – in that time, the Church was not exactly a model to imitate. There was corruption in the Church, there was worldliness, attachment to money, to power…and this he protested. Then he was intelligent and took some steps forward justifying, and because he did this. And today Lutherans and Catholics, Protestants, all of us agree on the doctrine of justification. On this point, which is very important, he did not err. He made a medicine for the Church, but then this medicine consolidated into a state of things, into a state of a discipline, into a way of believing, into a way of doing, into a liturgical way and he wasn’t alone; there was Zwingli, there was Calvin, each one of them different, and behind them were who? Principals! We must put ourselves in the story of that time. It’s a story that’s not easy to understand, not easy. Then things went forward, and today the dialogue is very good. That document of justification I think is one of the richest ecumenical documents in the world, one in most agreement. But there are divisions, and these also depend on the Churches. In Buenos Aires there were two Lutheran churches, and one thought in one way and the other…even in the same Lutheran church there was no unity; but they respected each other, they loved each other, and the difference is perhaps what hurt all of us so badly and today we seek to take up the path of encountering each other after 500 years. I think that we have to pray together, pray. Prayer is important for this. Second, to work together for the poor, for the persecuted, for many people, for refugees, for the many who suffer; to work together and pray together and the theologians who study together try…but this is a long path, very long. One time jokingly I said: I know when full unity will happen. – “when?” – “the day after the Son of Man comes,” because we don’t know…the Holy Spirit will give the grace, but in the meantime, praying, loving each other and working together. Above all for the poor, for the people who suffer and for peace and many things…against the exploitation of people and many things in which they are jointly working together.

(“Full text: Pope Francis’ in-flight press conference from Armenia”Catholic News Agency, June 26, 2016; red font added for emphasis.)

So “Pope” Francis believes that Martin Luther’s doctrine of justification, condemned by the Council of Trent as heretical, is true, that is, orthodox. And he asserts that “Catholics” (i.e. the members of his Novus Ordo Sect) agree with this. In other words, he has just announced that he and his sect are Lutherans at least with regard to the doctrine of justification. Not that we needed any confirmation that he and his church are heretical, but it doesn’t hurt.

That “document on justification” Francis refers to is the so-called “Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification” between the Lutheran World Federation and the Novus Ordo Church. It was signed on October 31, 1999, and can be found on the Vatican web site here.

By contrast, the dogmatic Catholic teaching on justification, together with its condemnation of the Lutheran heresy, can be found in the Council of Trent (1545-1563), as follows:

Bishop Donald Sanborn has provided a refutation of the errors of the Joint Declaration right here:

Accepting Luther’s doctrine regarding justification is not new in Novus Ordo circles. For example, a long time ago the Modernist Sect’s American star philosopher, Peter Kreeft, declared explicitly in one of his many books: “On this issue [of justification] I believe Luther was simply right; and this issue is absolutely crucial” (Kreeft, Fundamentals of the Faith [Ignatius Press, 1988], p. 290).

Oh, by the way: That Vatican-Lutheran Joint Declaration on Justification back in 1999 almost didn’t happen. The one man who saved it was Joseph Ratzinger:

But let’s have a look at the biggest bombshell of them all, which Francis dropped when an American journalist asked him about “Cardinal” Reinhard Marx’s recent suggestion that the Church apologize to homosexuals for having “marginalized” them:

Cindy Wooden, CNS [questioner]: Holiness, within the past few days Cardinal Marx, the German, speaking at a large conference in Dublin which is very important on the Church in the modern world, said that the Catholic Church must ask forgiveness to the gay community for having marginalized these people. In the days following the shooting in Orlando, many have said that the Christian community had something to do with this hate toward these people. What do you think?

Pope Francis: I will repeat what I said on my first trip. I repeat what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says: that they must not be discriminated against, that they must be respected and accompanied pastorally. One can condemn, but not for theological reasons, but for reasons of political behavior… Certain manifestations are a bit too offensive for others, no? … But these are things that have nothing to do with the problem. The problem is a person that has a condition, that has good will and who seeks God, who are we to judge? And we must accompany them well…this is what the catechism says, a clear catechism. Then there are traditions in some countries, in some cultures that have a different mentality on this problem. I think that the Church must not only ask forgiveness – like that “Marxist Cardinal” said (laughs) – must not only ask forgiveness to the gay person who is offended. But she must ask forgiveness to the poor too, to women who are exploited, to children who are exploited for labor. She must ask forgiveness for having blessed so many weapons. The Church must ask forgiveness for not behaving many times – when I say the Church, I mean Christians! The Church is holy, we are sinners! – Christians must ask forgiveness for having not accompanied so many choices, so many families… I remember from my childhood the culture in Buenos Aires, the closed Catholic culture. I go over there, eh! A divorced family couldn’t enter the house, and I’m speaking of 80 years ago. The culture has changed, thanks be to God. Christians must ask forgiveness for many things, not just these. Forgiveness, not just apologies. Forgive, Lord. It’s a word that many times we forget. Now I’m a pastor and I’m giving a sermon. No, this is true, many times. Many times … but the priest who is a master and not a father, the priest who beats and not the priest who embraces, forgives and consoles. But there are many. There are many hospital chaplains, prison chaplains, many saints. But these ones aren’t seen. Because holiness is modest, it’s hidden. Instead it’s a little bit of blatant shamelessness, it’s blatant and you see so many organizations of good people and people who aren’t as good and people who … because you give a purse that’s a little big and look at you from the other side like the international powers with three genocides. We Christians – priests, bishops – we have done this. But also we Christians have Teresa of Calcutta and many Teresa of Calcuttas. We have many servants in Africa, many laity, many holy marriages. The wheat and the weeds. And so Jesus says that the Kingdom … we must not be scandalized for being like this. We must pray so that the Lord makes these weeds end and there is more grain. But this is the life of the Church. We can’t put limits. All of us are saints, because all of us have the Holy Spirit. But we are all sinners, me first of all! Alright. I don’t know if I have replied.

(“Full text: Pope Francis’ in-flight press conference from Armenia”Catholic News Agency, June 26, 2016; red font added for emphasis.)

This speaks for itself. An abominable apostate who makes a living pretending to be the Vicar of Christ opened his mouth and spouted more outrages against sound doctrine and right morals. For us sedevacantists, it is basically “business as usual” from Francis, but the semi-traditionalists and neo-conservatives in the Modernist Church are hitting the ceiling because they still have not figured out — or simply refuse to see — the truth about Francis.

Francis says he’s sorry, Elton!

It will be interesting to watch the reactions from the usual suspects, because you know they will all have something to say about this: Vennari, Matt, Ferrara, White, Verrecchio, Voris (yeah right!), Skojec, Akin, and many more. A few have spoken already:

Meanwhile, sedevacantist Tom Droleskey has blasted Jorge’s latest in this powerful article:

As far as John Vennari’s declaration that this is the “last straw” for him, it’s nothing but hot air. For in the same breath, Vennari immediately clarifies that — surprise! — he is still “not a sedevacantist” even now. Not that, of course. Which begs the question: Just what is this the last straw to, then? Are you now really, really, really upset with Francis, Mr. Vennari? Is that it? Or what is this talk of the “last straw” about? What are you going to do? What — sign Bro. Alexis Bugnolo’s petition to Francis? Sure, go ahead — as of the time of this writing, he’s already got 73 signatures, and only 99,927 to go! No, John Vennari, this isn’t the last straw for you, it is merely the latest straw — the latest of an endless supply of straws that will continue to pile up into infinity because you have long decided that you will not accept the only possible position to take in the matter.

The truth is that all this semi-trad “resistance” bluster is empty talk, hot air. There is nothing these people can do as long as they refuse to acknowledge what is right in front of them: Francis is an apostate, an antipope, the Vicar of Satan or Judas perhaps but certainly not the Vicar of Christ. But they will not embrace this conclusion simply because they do not want to. It has nothing to do with evidence for them anymore. Which would not nearly be as bad if people like Vennari, Matt, Ferrara, etc., were only impacting their own souls; but the problem is that they broadcast their false ideas to the entire world and thus influence countless souls who look to them for guidance. That is the greater tragedy.

Francis is the best advertisement for Sedevacantism we could have ever wished for. Robert Siscoe and John Salza cannot write fast enough to keep up with this guy. Remember Salza and Siscoe? They’re the anti-sedevacantist bulldogs who want you to believe that if it weren’t for Francis, the gates of hell would have prevailed against the Catholic Church! … Riiight … And if it weren’t for abortion, kids would die!

There was much more to the interview than what we quoted above. For example, Francis also spoke about the “Pope Emeritus” question and his relationship with Benedict XVI, although there is nothing really explosive in his comments on that topic. He simply reiterated that there is only one Pope, and he thinks he is it (good one, Frank!).

Another subject brought up during the in-plane press conference was deaconesses. Francis put a damper on expectations regarding women in ordained ministry but observed that “one cannot make a good decision without listening to women” and that “[t]he Church … is not a spinster”. Vintage Bergoglianism.

The rest of the interview was full of Francis’ usual stream-of-consciousness rambling, filled with various errors (on ecumenism, for example) that have become so commonplace and always pale in comparison to the other outrageous remarks the Jesuit apostate utters, that one can simply pass over them at this point. There’s nothing significant there you haven’t heard before.

Oh, and regarding Francis’ question, “Who are we to judge?” — here’s how St. Paul answered that: “But the spiritual man judgeth all things; and he himself is judged of no man” (1 Cor 2:15). So, who is Francis to judge? …Obviously not the “spiritual man”!

And now… folks, don’t even think about asking Mark Shea what his view is on all this! He has the uncanny ability to come down on the wrong side of every issue every single time! And we are certain that he will once again agree with Francis and say that of course we ought to apologize to gays we have marginalized. Shea is like Steve Kellmeyer — no matter what happens, Francis is right and you are — obviously! — wrong.

Which raises the question: When are you going to apologize to your friendly neighborhood homo-pervert?

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