+ Nicholas Gruner 1942-2015
“Fatima Priest” Nicholas Gruner Dies Suddenly of Heart Attack

“Fr.” Nicholas Gruner (May 4, 1942 – Apr. 29, 2015)
As Mr. John Vennari, editor of Catholic Family News reports, “Father” Nicholas Gruner of the Fatima Center in Fort Erie, Canada, has passed away. He died unexpectedly at his office in Ontario on April 29, 2015, a few days short of his 73rd birthday. The apparent cause of death was a heart attack. The following is the message posted by Vennari:
Father Nicholas Gruner, RIP
It is my sad duty to announce the sudden death of Father Nicholas Gruner
He died suddenly late today of a heart attack while working at his Fatima Center office.
At the moment, I do not know more than this. Please re-visit our page for updates.
He was truly the world expert on Fatima. He was more knowledgable on this subject, and on the true nature of the Fatima Message than anyone else.
Please remember Father Gruner in your prayers, a good friend and a true Catholic Crusader.
– John Vennari
(Source: Catholic Family News, April 29, 2015)
As frequent visitors to this site know, we have been rather critical of Gruner, his Fatima apostolate, and his SSPX-type “resistance” position (although we have always valued his work on the Third Secret of Fatima, which is outstanding). This is not the time to repeat our criticism. We pray that Gruner died in the state of sanctifying grace and received a merciful judgment. Please pray for the repose of his soul.
Such a sudden death is always a good reminder to all of us that we too have a day and time appointed at which we will be called to judgment, to render an account to the Almighty Judge (see Heb 9:27). Pray for final perseverance always. St. John Vianney has remarked that he who does not pray for final perseverance will not receive it.
Ponder also the questions presented in the following post — this is a good reminder that all these issues we discuss every day at this web site are extremely serious:
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
I came here to find out about the death of Fr. Gruner, Lord Rest him. Now I realise I’m on a site of Traditional Catholics, I have no problem with that but I do have a great problem with being deemed less of a Catholic because I grew up receiving Mass in the vernacular. So in your eyes my first confession, my first Holy Communion (1974) and my Confirmation (1978) count for nothing? I say this because you also say Fr Gruner’s ordination was not fitting (another sacrament.) Contrary to what you think I have always believed Jesus is truly and wholly present in the Blessed Sacrament. I have never received the Blessed Eucharist in my hands because I’m not worthy to do so, my parents thought me that only a priest had the right to handle the body of Christ. I only receive the blessed sacrament from a Priest and never a lay person. I never receive the body of Christ without going to Confession first. For about the last 9 years it is becoming more difficult to actually get confession at the appointed times as priests seem to think it’s not really needed, this is a major problem in these dark days. Priests these days referring to The Blessed Virgin as an unmarried mother, I had a stand up argument with one priest about this, I told him that he needed to understand jewish law concerning betrothal that makes Our Beloved Mother indeed Married. We have priests quoting from the quran a heretical book, praising pope francis, it just a mess. I do agree that the problems we are living now do stem from vatican 2 but mainly because John XXIII failed to obey Our Lady of Fatima. For you to liken me as some form of a protestant is an insult to MY Catholic Faith! My main concern right now are the twin popes and more importantly Holy Mother Church, as a soldier of Christ I will pray everyday that the schism and reign of anti Christ teachings and behaviour comes to an end soon. I will also pray for the conversion & salvation of souls, Sincerely Mary