The gospel of man, continued…
“Man at the Center”:
September 2016 “Pope Video” Fails to Surprise
Screenshot from September 2016 “Pope Video”
It’s time again for the monthly Bergoglian prayer intention video that the Novus Ordo Sect markets as “The Pope Video”.
After August’s attempt to obtain world peace through contention in sports (which we covered here), the September 2016 intention is: “That each may contribute to the common good and to the building of a society that places the human person at the center” (source).
The video, which is only 1:22 in length, can be viewed here:
Not surprisingly, Francis once again promotes the false gospel of man, as he has been doing for decades. It is an apostate pseudo-gospel that the Novus Ordo Sect officially invented at the so-called Second Vatican Council, which had the audacity to utter this stunning blasphemy: “According to the almost unanimous opinion of believers and unbelievers alike, all things on earth should be related to man as their center and crown” (Vatican II, Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes, n. 12).
“Pope” Paul VI, who is ultimately responsible for every single document that was promulgated by the council, said the following in his closing speech for the council’s fourth session:
Secular humanism, revealing itself in its horrible anti-clerical reality has, in a certain sense, defied the council. The religion of the God who became man has met the religion (for such it is) of man who makes himself God. And what happened? Was there a clash, a battle, a condemnation? There could have been, but there was none. The old story of the Samaritan has been the model of the spirituality of the council. A feeling of boundless sympathy has permeated the whole of it. The attention of our council has been absorbed by the discovery of human needs (and these needs grow in proportion to the greatness which the son of the earth claims for himself). But we call upon those who term themselves modern humanists, and who have renounced the transcendent value of the highest realities, to give the council credit at least for one quality and to recognize our own new type of humanism: we, too, in fact, we more than any others, honor mankind.
(Paul VI, Closing Speech at Fourth General Assembly of Vatican II, Dec. 7, 1965; underlining added.)
It is, then, perhaps not all that surprising that according to his friend Jean Guitton, Paul VI said he was “about to blow the seven trumpets of the Apocalypse” before the final promulgation of the council:
It was the final session of the Council, the most essential, in which the Pope [Paul VI] was to bestow upon all humanity the teachings of the Council. He announced this to me on that day with these words, “I am about to blow the seven trumpets of the Apocalypse.”
(Jean Guitton, ‘Nel Segno dei Dodici,’ interview with Maurizio Blondet, Avvenire, October 11, 1992; qtd. in Atila Sinke Guimarães, Animus Delendi I [Los Angeles, CA: Tradition in Action, 2000], p. 57)
The blowing of the trumpets is a reference to Apocalypse 8:2ff. People who are interested in finding out what happens as each trumpet is blown, may read the text here.
Paul VI’s philosophical mentor was Jacques Maritain (1882-1973), whose 1935 book Integral Humanism was published without the required nihil obstat and imprimatur, and it is easy to see why: It teaches a “Christian” Marxism and gives a blueprint for Vatican II thought.
To underscore how Francis and his Novus Ordo religion have dethroned Christ the King and removed Him from the center — as was also most visible in the liturgical revolutions’ tearing out of the tabernacles from the center of the altar and shoving them into a corner, if present in the sanctuary at all — Francis is not ashamed to once again cover his pectoral cross quite visibly. Take a look (click photo to enlarge):
Where is his left hand? And why is it there? There is only for one reason: To cover the Good Shepherd that is present on his (albeit ugly) pectoral cross. If you review the video, you can see that he is not reading text from any of the papers in front of him but using a teleprompter. His left hand does not move at all and is strategically placed at the center! Because Who is at the center? Jesus Christ! Francis covers Him up, in full accord with his false gospel that now puts man at the center. What a visually striking confirmation of our accusation: Francis and his wicked sect have removed Christ from the center and placed man in His stead!
What Scripture passage does this remind us of? “Let no man deceive you by any means, for unless there come a revolt first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God” (2 Thess 2:3-4).
For Francis, covering the crucifix or his pectoral cross is nothing new. He has done it many times before. So much for “preach the Gospel always”-Francis, who recently encouraged Scottish seminarians to prepare to be ‘martyrs for the Gospel’. Which gospel, Mr. Bergoglio? That of Jesus Christ, which says that “he who does not believe shall be condemned” (Mk 16:16), or a different, humanist, man-centered one?
St. Paul the Apostle warned of those who would “pervert the Gospel of Christ”, which is exactly what Francis and his five “papal” predecessors have done:
I wonder that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ, unto another gospel. Which is not another, only there are some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema. As we said before, so now I say again: If any one preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be anathema.
(Gal 1:6-9)
A false gospel in place of the true one? As we can see here, it is not a new idea. It is now just being pushed by an apostate who falsely claims (and is considered by most) to be the Pope of the Catholic Church. That part is new.
Putting man above God has long been the goal of Freemasonry, against which the true Popes had warned us again and again and again, until the impostor Angelo Roncalli (John XXIII), himself suspect of Freemasonry, denounced the “prophets of doom” at Vatican II and began to implement the Masonic agenda, the fruits of which we see in full bloom today.
It is a noble goal to seek peace and reconciliation among men, and certainly economics ought above all to benefit man and not capital or the state. But this is not accomplished through a false Naturalist gospel that replaces Christ with man. Rather: “…seek ye first the kingdom of God and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you” (Lk 12:31).
Pope Saint Pius X, a true Vicar of Christ, taught very clearly that all efforts for peace and harmony among men without Christ, without God, are doomed to failure:
The desire for peace is certainly harbored in every breast, and there is no one who does not ardently invoke it. But to want peace without God is an absurdity, seeing that where God is absent thence too justice flies, and when justice is taken away it is vain to cherish the hope of peace. “Peace is the work of justice” (Is. xxii., 17). There are many, We are well aware, who, in their yearning for peace, that is for the tranquillity of order, band themselves into societies and parties, which they style parties of order. Hope and labor lost. For there is but one party of order capable of restoring peace in the midst of all this turmoil, and that is the party of God. It is this party, therefore, that we must advance, and to it attract as many as possible, if we are really urged by the love of peace.
(Pope St. Pius X, Encyclical E Supremi, n. 7; underlining added.)
In the same encyclical, which was his first one, published in 1903, the sainted Pope Pius X laid out the program of his pontificate and chose as his guiding principle and papal motto: “to restore all things in Christ” (instaurare omnia in Christo). Pope Pius said verbatim: “…We proclaim that We have no other program in the Supreme Pontificate but that ‘of restoring all things in Christ’ (Ephes. i., 10), so that ‘Christ may be all and in all” (Coloss. iii., 2)” (E Supremi, n. 4).
Does Francis want to restore all things in Christ? Far from it! At best, he seeks “to restore all things in man.”
We know how that will work out. The seven trumpets of the Apocalypse give a preview.
In watching the Pope’s video, I somehow feel that it is maybe time we changed the first commandment to something like ” . . . you shall have no non-smiling insensitive faces before me.”
If man is at the centre, then where is man? Babel?