Utterly explosive indictment…

Viganò lets it rip: Former Vatican Nuncio publishes scathing Condemnation of Vatican II Religion

Fr. Viganò at Rome’s “National March for Life” on May 19, 2018
(photo: Stefano Montesi/Corbis via Getty Images)

One day after we blasted “Abp.” Carlo Maria Viganò‘s open letter to President Trump for containing “dangerous heresy in attractive wrapping paper”, the former Vatican nuncio to the United States released yet another statement.

Contrary to our expectations, however, it wasn’t simply “more of the same” as his previous contributions. This time, he delivered a stunningly severe condemnation of the entire Novus Ordo religion and correctly pointed to the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) as its root cause.… READ MORE

Reality check for Ratzinger fans…

Invalid Resignation or Invalid Election?
Benedict XVI’s Denial of the Dogma of Papal Primacy

It is fashionable these days to come up with all sorts of ideas and theories that render the resignation of “Pope” Benedict XVI on Feb. 28, 2013, invalid. This thesis, which we have nicknamed “Resignationism”, is very comforting to those semi-traditionalists and conservatives in the Vatican II Church who can see clearly that Francis is not a Catholic but a manifest apostate and yet will not, for whatever reason, countenance Sedevacantism as the correct alternative position that alone can explain the madness we have been witnessing since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958.… READ MORE

After 55 years of Vatican II…

Novus Ordo Jesuit: “When I repeat the Words of Consecration, I sometimes wonder what Christ meant”

Children say the darndest things. So do Jesuits.

Take the Rev. Dominique Degoul, for example. He’s a Jesuit presbyter for the Vatican II Sect, works as a university chaplain in Paris, and has been assigned the future director of the Teilhard de Chardin Centre. How’s that for advance warning?

Degoul recently gave an interview to the French Novus Ordo publication La Croix “about what the Mass means in the life of a believer”, specifically in the context of the recent Coronavirus restrictions.… READ MORE

Recognize-and-resist icon vs. Catholic doctrine…

Tradition and the Magisterium:
Refuting the False Claims of Prof. Roberto de Mattei

On April 2, 2020, the semi-traditionalist flagship publication Catholic Family News published an interview with Prof. Roberto de Mattei, an Italian historian who is also the founder of the Lepanto Foundation and editor of the Corrispondenza Romana news site. De Mattei frequently speaks at conservative Novus Ordo and semi-trad conferences and is routinely promoted in the publications of those groups as a guiding light of Tradition in our dark times.

In fact, it was precisely in that putative capacity that Matthew Gaspers, managing editor of Catholic Family News, recently interviewed de Mattei, since the hierarchy of the institution they both claim is the Catholic Church, obviously does not hold the Catholic Faith and therefore cannot be considered a reliable teacher of the same.… READ MORE

Pray to whatever god you believe in!

Beyond All Religions: Syncretistic Prayer Service held in English Novus Ordo Parish

The Masonic meta-religion on display at a Novus Ordo church in England, UK

Mount Sinai, Egypt. After suffering a plague of locusts in the desert for weeks, Moses called on his apostate brother Aaron to petition the Golden Calf for an end to the pandemic, while he in turn promised to intercede with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for the same intention. Interreligious cooperation, the leader of the Israelite people emphasized, was necessary for the good of humanity, especially during a time of pandemic: “We all have our different religious traditions, and in times like this we have to remember we are all children of God and therefore brothers”, Moses said.… READ MORE

The spirit of Abu Dhabi is not the Holy Spirit…

Antichrist Rising: Francis calls on “All Faiths” to Pray for End to Coronavirus on May 14

The apostate Vatican establishment is taking advantage of the Coronavirus crisis to further promote its agenda for a globalist one-world religion.

On May 2, 2020, the so-called Higher Committee for Human Fraternity, an interreligious body established to help implement the apostate goals of the blasphemous Abu Dhabi declaration signed by Antipope Francis last year, called on members of all religions to pray for an end to the (real or alleged) Coronavirus pandemic, on May 14.… READ MORE

“I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!”

Blasphemous Architecture:
Holy Family Church in Salerno, Italy


A “Catholic” church building that cries to Heaven for vengeance

In the Catholic Church, religious doctrine is not only expressed in words but also communicated through liturgical rites and sacred architecture. When the Novus Ordo religion was introduced at the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s to gradually replace Catholicism, it was a given that this new theology needed not only a New Mass but also new church buildings to go along with it:

And nobody putteth a piece of raw cloth unto an old garment. For it taketh away the fullness thereof from the garment, and there is made a greater rent.


Retired academic again misleads his readers…

Clueless Kwasniewski cranks out another Load of Howlers on the Papacy

On Jan. 9, 2020, the conservative Novus Ordo web site Life Site published yet another blog post by Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, currently the semi-trads’ favorite academic because he continually reassures them that despite all his heresies and other errors, Jorge Bergoglio (Francis) really is the Pope of the Catholic Church — you just can’t follow the man without gravely endangering your Faith (which in turn would render the Papacy not only useless but extremely dangerous, but they never think that far).

Brilliant though he may be on many other issues, when it comes to the topic of the Papacy, Kwasniewski is simply abysmal.… READ MORE

“Hermeneutic of continuity” check…

Before and After Vatican II:
What is the Essential Purpose of Holy Matrimony?

The chief mission of this web site is to demonstrate how the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, whose last known Pope was Pius XII (d. 1958), differ in essence from those of the Novus Ordo religion, whose doctrinal mother lode is the Second Vatican Council (1962-65). This infernal assembly was called and opened by Antipope John XXIII (1958-63) and promulgated and concluded by Antipope Paul VI (1963-78), both of whom, naturally, have officially been declared “saints” by the Novus Ordo Church since.… READ MORE

The Modernist Robber Synod dismantled…

The Theological Errors of the Second Vatican Council

A Substantial Collection of Resources

The false pope Paul VI during Vatican II (1962-65)

The so-called Second Vatican Council convened from 1962 until 1965. It was called by the false pope John XXIII (Angelo Roncalli) and promulgated and concluded by his no less false successor, Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini).

Vatican II, as it is typically called for short, marks the definitive beginning of what we call the Novus Ordo religion and provides its doctrinal foundation. It is the be-all and end-all of the Modernist institution that has been occupying the Catholic structures since John XXIII usurped the Holy See at the 1958 conclave.… READ MORE

“On the Question of the True Pope” refuted…

Comedy Hour with Athanasius Schneider: Kazakh Auxiliary torpedoes Traditional Doctrine on the Papacy to bail out Francis

Days after the British Tablet published a story on the retired Kazakh Novus Ordo bishop Jan Pawel Lenga publicly declaring that he does not recognize Jorge Bergoglio (Francis) as a valid Pope because he is a “heretic” and an “Antichrist” (Lenga’s words) — adding that he opts instead for Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) –, his famous compatriot and Astana auxiliary “bishop” Athanasius Schneider has injected himself into the debate.

On Feb. 28, 2020, Schneider released a statement via his usual channels, which means LifeSiteNews.comREAD MORE

Salza & Siscoe taken to the woodshed by one of their own…

“To Deceive the Elect”:

Rev. Paul Kramer destroys John Salza and Robert Siscoe

Every so often someone from the recognize-and-resist camp will complain that no sedevacantist has written a full book-length rebuttal of John Salza and Robert Siscoe’s 700-page whopper True or False Pope? Refuting Sedevacantism and Other Modern Errors (Winona, MN: STAS Editions, 2015). Frankly, there has been no need: Years ago already, after seeing the atrocious theology put forward in that book, one of their very own “priests” — the NovusOrdo-ordained Rev. Paul Kramer — announced that he was preparing a lengthy rebuttal.… READ MORE

A rebuttal based on real Catholic teaching…

No Saint Athanasius: “Bishop” Schneider continues to spread Errors about the Papacy

The German branch of the Vatican II Sect has recently opened its so-called “Synodal Way” or “Synodal Path” (Synodaler Weg), which is essentially an elaborate and structured series of chat sessions in which the laity get to tell their pastors what changes they want to see in the “Catholic Church” going forward. And since we’re not talking about just any country but about the Land of Luther, long one of the hotbeds of Modernism, this will produce a veritable catalog of ultra-liberal desiderata: married clergy, women priests, homo “marriage” ceremonies in church, and the like.… READ MORE

Because Ecumenism!

Novus Ordo parish in Virginia to host Anglican Ordination of Woman “Bishop”

Early carnival in Virginia: Mrs. Haynes will be playing bishop come Feb. 1

The new religion that emerged at the Second Vatican Council is once again on full display, this time at St. Bede “Catholic” Church in Williamsburg, Virginia.

On Saturday, Feb. 1, 2020, the Novus Ordo church building will be used to host an “episcopal ordination” of Mrs. Susan Bunton Haynes, a pseudo-cleric of the Anglican sect founded by King Henry VIII in the 16th century after he tried in vain to get Pope Clement VII to issue him a declaration of nullity for his clearly valid marriage.… READ MORE

How the Church exercises her Magisterium

What are Catholics Bound to Believe?

Excerpt from Essentials and Non-Essentials of the Catholic Religion
by Rev. Henry George Hughes

What are Catholics Bound to Believe?

The general answer to this question may be put thus: Catholics are bound to believe whatever God has revealed and the Church proposes to them as to be believed. That a man is strictly obliged to assent to anything which he is convinced has been revealed by Almighty God need not be said; it needs no proof for those who believe that there is a God and that He has made a revelation to men.… READ MORE